Saturday, April 18, 2009

A few food related things and an award

I figured I'd let you all digest that scrumptious food feast from the week. Just a few small things today. How about some cookies to snack on while you muse the rest of today's post? Here's my favorite. Can you name it?

So, I officially entered the Pillsbury Bake-off. Entered 3 recipes. The 100 chosen contestants will be announced in September. Fingers crossed. I'll keep you posted. It turns out that there's no limit as to how many recipes you enter. If I had known that earlier I would have entered more. I still got a tiny bit of time. But I don't want to rush a recipe, just for the sake of entering. There's always next year, too. So for now, it'll just be three.

Also, My Shrimpy Love photo made it onto the Photograzing at Serious Eats yesterday. Sweet!!!

Oh, and I reverted the comment page back to the full separate page commenting. There's seems to be little buggy that some people aren't able to post comments when the comment form is below the post. Boo on the blogspot server, but I still love ya.

Next, I added a little measurement converter. I saw this at Sophies FoodFiles and thought it was a pretty neat idea. It'll be a great help for those who have a hard time converting tablespoons from ounces and so on. It'll make cooking and baking lives a bit easier I think.

Third, I received a little surprise in the mail a few days ago. It was the moo minicards I had ordered last week courtesy of Food Buzz.

These cute little mini business-like cards are a hand little way to promote your business, hobbies and yourself. I had heard about before from friends and colleagues who have used it for their own. It's really handy compared to carrying around the regular sized business cards. Then when Food Buzz offered to have our first order on them for the Featured Publishers, I was in heaven. The pictures were already selected (32 of them. 100 cards total.) The only thing we had to do was fill out the info we wanted on them.

Can't wait to stand handing them out to people. Nice promotional idea.

Thanks Food Buzz!!

Lastly, the other day I was given a lovely friend award by Kelly at Evil Shenanigans (She ain't evil, I promise!) I send a special shout-out to her today.

Along with the award comes the following description:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.”

It also says : "Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

I'm honored, especially in the short time since Bread + Butter began, that I'm able to be among so many wonderful people who love food as much as me. So, it's really hard to choose just 8 when there's so many deserving of this award. I wish to give it to everyone I follow and who follow me, I really do. The recipients mentioned below are just a few of those who've been really awesome in spreading the food love. In no particular order:

Dawn at Vanilla Sugar
Robert-Gilles at Shizuoka Gourmet
DoggyBloggy at ChezWhat?
Pam at For The Love of Cooking
Oyster Culture at Oyster Food & Culture
Tangled Noodle
Eric at Eric Rivera's Cooking Blog
Chrystal and Amir at The Duo Dishes

There are so many more food blogs that I read everyday. You can check some of them out on the Key Ingredient blogroll on the sidebar. (I'm still waiting to get on that Foodie Blogroll as well - *wink wink*)

It's hard for me to express how I truly appreciate all of you who have visited and continue to do so on this ever-growing little blog of mine. It makes doing this everyday even more fun. Thank you so very much!!

Happy eating!!!


  1. Great post Jenn. You deserve that award. Hope you hear about back from Pillsbury. That would be so cool.

  2. alice: Thanks. Keeping my fingers crossed. September is just around the corner.

  3. Hooray!! I was going nuts because I can NEVER comment on your blog!

    Samoas are definitely my favorite, too :)

    Congrats on the awards and making the photograze--you deserve it! That shrimpy dish makes my tummy grumble..

  4. Awww thanks Momma! Girl you know if we lived closer we'd be cooking up a storm and chatting away like little chickens. I think you rock too!
    Thank you!
    I entered the bake-off too and am keeping my toes and fingers crossed.

  5. I have just discovered your beautiful blog!Congrats on your award!
    The berry creation on the previous post is so beautiful, picture and recipe!!!!

  6. good luck in the contest - thanks for the shout out - and I am running out of moo cards - I have had mine since July and they are almost gone..... give me the link to the photograze...

  7. tavolini: Thanks. I'm glad you can comment now. =)

    Dawn: You're welcome! Crossing my fingers for you, too. Here's hoping we'll both get into the bake-off.

    Nazarina A: Thank you. Hope you'll stop by often. =)

    doggy: You're welcome. Here's to hoping that they'll like my creations. Here's the link to the photograze
    Unless, you're specifically looking for mine then it'll be at It's near the bottom. =)

  8. The best of luck with your Pillsbury recipe!! I have moo cards, too, their so cute. And congrats on your award, you are so deserving!

  9. good for you all the best with the bake of

  10. An award well deserved, Jenn. And I hope you win the Bake-Off!

  11. Ah, thanks so much! You certainly deserved the award, I love stopping by and getting some great ideas on what to do with easy basic I have in my kitchen. You so impressed me with the way you started your blogging - it took me a few months to get my feet wet so to speak, but you jumped in from the get go and were offering up some tremendous information.

    Best of luck on the Pillsbury award - that is certainly exciting.

  12. Congratulations on your pic making it into Photograzing and, of course, your award! And thanks so much for the mention. Can we vote in any way for you in the Pillsbury contest? In any event, best of luck - we're all rooting for you!!

    Be sure to pass out all those moo cards!

  13. Leela: Thanks. I hope so, too. =)

    OysterCulture: You're welcome! I love going to your site too. Full of information I never new. I always learn something new there.

    Tangled Noodle: You're welcome! I'm not sure how the process goes. If I find out anything I'll be sure to post it. I've already gave two of the moo cards away, but I'm looking for every opportunity to do so.

  14. The best thing about your blog is you. You have a great personality and it takes your recipes to another level. You just posted some girl scout cookies, I feel like going to the store right now and buying some, just because you mentioned it.

    Your blog is growing really fast and I know you are putting a lot of hard work into it, it shows.

    Thanks for the award and I hope that you keep going with this blog. I can't wait to see what you will post next. :)


  15. Reeni: Thanks!!. Now it's time for the long wait. It is September yet?

    dietitian for hire: Thank you.

    eric: Thanks, Eric. Sometimes I wondered why didn't I start this blog before? Better late than never, right? More goodies coming soon.

  16. Congrats on your award! Samoas are our favorite girlscout cookies!

  17. DOUBLE congrats! I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you! hope you receive some great new soon!

  18. Sophie: Thanks!!

    5 Star Foodie: We've got the same taste in cookies!

    burpandslurp: I hope so, too!

  19. Wow, so many things to comment on in this post! First, how exciting that you entered the Pillsbury Bakeoff! I'm so rooting for you! Second, I got my moo cards last week - aren't they cute and fun?!! I've actually had a couple of occasions recently to give them out. They're pretty small but they do the job. And finally...congrats on your photo getting on to Photograzing! Very fun!

  20. Wicked Noodle: Thanks. Those moo cards are sooo handy. I already get a few out the other day.

  21. Good luck with the Pillsbury Bake-off! I hope you win the million dollar prize! So impressed that you entered 3 recipes!

    And I almost forgot to order my moo cards, they look so cute, must get on top of that ASAP.

    Congrats on the well-deserved award!

  22. Phyllis: Thanks. Get crackin' on those moo cards. They're so cool.

  23. Dear Jenn!
    First of all, thank you so much for making your Comment Box more amenable!
    Thanks for the award!
    I noticed you got your Foodbuzz business cards! Congratulations!

  24. Robert: You're very welcomed. You deserve the award.

  25. Hey, congrats on your well-deserved award and good luck with the Pillsbury Bake-off, good on you for getting in there and entering. As for the moo-cards, well, I just love mine and have handed quite a few out already - they are seriously cute :)

  26. Daily Spud: Thanks. I was super excited when they arrived. I still am


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