Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spinach Wontons

I was trying to figure out what to do with some leftover egg roll wrappers I had in the fridge. Searching high and low in the ol' refrigerator, I spot some onion, lemon juice, sour cream. Open the freezer...frozen spinach. Confused look on my face, then the light bulb moment. Ting!!! Wontons!!! Then I remembered Greg from SippitySup had done something similar with his pea puree, so that got me thinking. I can take my spinach dip recipe and make it as a filling for wontons. The only thing I left out was the water chestnuts, which is completely optionalfor this. Plus I didn't have any on hand

I did baked these. The nice thing about baking them is that you can do it in large batches compared to deep-frying them. They had the crispy edges of the fried version and a slight softness the soup kind. I had also made a dipping sauce to go with this, but totally forgot to take a pic of it. But it was good, too. A nice mild salty-tang and of soy sauce color, if that would be of any help.

You can deep-fry these in the traditional way to get that bubbly wonton look everyone is famliar with.

Spinach Wontons

1 small box frozen spinach (defrosted & chopped)
1/4 medium onion (diced)
3 Tbsp Sour cream
20 wonton wrapper
1 garlic clove (minced)
1/3 c grated romano cheese (plus extra)
1/3 water chestnuts (chopped - optional)
Salt and pepper to season.

egg wash (1 egg beaten with 2 Tbsp water)

Preheat oven 400˚F

Make sure to drain all the excess water from the spinach. In a pan, heat some oil and saute the garlic for 30 sec. Then add the onions. Cook tossing occasionally until they are tender and translucent. Next, add the spinach and the optional water chestnuts. Season with salt and pepper. Toss again for 2-3 min.

Place the spinach mixture in a bowl and add the sour cream. Mix Thoroughly.

Take a wonton wrapper and place a dollop of the spinach mixture in the middle.

Wet one corner and the two adjoining sides of the wrapper with the eggwash and fold into a triangle. Fold into a triange shape. Press firmly to seal.

You can leave it in the triangle shape or make it into the tortellini shape. Baste the wontons in the egg wash or olive oil.

Place on a lightly greased baking sheet. (This will keep the wontons from sticking) Sprinkle some of the extra romano cheese on top of the wontons. Bake for 20-25min.

Dipping Sauce:

2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp rice wine vinegar
1 Tbsp lemon juice

Combine all three ingredients.

You may add this to some boiling broth to make into wonton soup. Just omit the egg wash and crimp the edges together firmly.


  1. Wow - these look great! I love wontons... and it's great that they still turned out OK baked instead of fried!

    I have a great spinach artichoke dip recipe that would probably be fantastic as a wonton filling. I'd like to try yours, though, too!

  2. you are good - real good! Great idea!

  3. The wontons look very good, it is a great idea for appetizer. Thanks for sharing it!

  4. Oh my-baked wontons!!I believe healthy can still be tasty-3 cheers to you for trying :)
    P.S:The last pic reminded me of samosas and it's given me the idea for baked samosas!!

  5. What a great idea! I love wonton wrappers, you can do so much with them. I like to form them into cups in a mini cupcake pan and bake them then fill them with lots of different things. I think I will have to try a spinach stuffing, haven't done that yet.

  6. Those look like something I could eat a hundred of. Great idea!


  7. i love "wonton" anything... spinach makes them all the better.

  8. The wonton soup is a great idea for this. All the taste with a little broth to wash it down. Yum.

  9. Jen: Spinach artichoke would be great as a wonton.

    Doggy: Thanks!

    Juliana: If you ever have a party wontons are a great way to start.

    Sweta: I love samosas!!! It's been a while since I've my some of those.

    Diana: That's a great idea making the wrappers into cups.

    Eric: They're perfect as a meal in itself.

    Alice: Thanks.

    Justin: I agree!!

    Duo Dishes: Soup is the alternative.

  10. that looks so wonderful. i love dumplings and spinach dip, this is the perfect combo!:)

  11. Oh my gosh, I'll take twenty! These look SO good.

    PS, I have an award for you on my blog!

  12. Oh these look good at the very last minute. have you ever tried doing a sweet version with choco & cinnamon and a bit of marscapone cheese? to die for...

  13. Oooh I am so jealous of your perfect wonton folding technique - you have that "pope hat" thing going on. Nice job!

  14. Those look really yummy. I love the little special touch with the sprinkle of Romano! They look fried!

  15. Those wontons look terrific! Love the filling!

  16. These look really good! I've made baked dumplings with several different kinds of fillings, but the spinach looks great!

  17. Ulla: Thanks.

    Teresa: Thank you for the award. I appreciate it!

    Dawn: You've just given me an idea for a sweet wonton version. I can feel my brain beginning to work.

    Phyllis: It does look like a pope hat doesn't it. LOL. That didn't occur to me until now.

    Reeni: A little garnish never hurts the meal. =)

    5 Star Foodie: Thanks.

    Nate: It's really great the wonton wrapper can be versatile.

  18. Wow Jenn, I see something yummy here!! Those wontons look beautiful!

  19. I am continually impressed with the things you come up with! I wish I was that creative and resourceful in the kitchen!

  20. Boy this Greg fellow sure must be smart if he could inspire you to make such a terrific recipe as this. GREAT photo too! GREG err I mean Tom, yeah that's it. Tom!

  21. Yummmm! I love your food photography, easy on the eye and pretty inviting, Jenn. :)

  22. Kenny: It definitely yummy!

    Diana: Thank you. You can be creative to. Most of the stuff are thing people usually have around the kitchen or ingredients that they are familiar with. It's really fun to experiment.

    SippitySup: Blew your own cover!! LOL. Thanks for the little inspiration. =)

    Ozge: Thank you! You fellow bloggers are my invited guests. =)

  23. Looks yummy,Love this spinach wontons good in our health and yet delicious too.


  24. reading that recipe is making me hungry

  25. jim: It is indeed!

    MrsLavendula: Thanks.

    Ava: Healthy is very good.

    Charlotte: That make me happy.

  26. Dear Jenn!
    Very interesting!
    You will please vegetarians!

  27. wow...these looks incredible! they are something I will definitely make sometime. and they're baked, not fried, too!
    I wonder how boiled would be like? have you tried them boiled yet? what about just steamed?

  28. Great idea...these look sooooo good!

  29. Robert-Gilles: I'm sure I will. =)

    burpandslurp: I haven't tried them boiled or steamed. But put them in a good broth and they'll be like wonton soup.

    girlichef: Thanks!

  30. Looks absolutely yummy idea Jenn! I love wontons...and the first time I tried the spinach dip, I fell in love with it on the spot! hehehe

  31. Baking definitely allows for instant and large-scale gratification! The fact that these wontons are not fried and feature healthy ingredients cancels out the fact that I'm going to absolutely gorge myself on them.

  32. Z'riz: Well, this is a perfect combo for you. =)

    Tangled Noodle: I'm with you on that.

  33. I would love to make these. If only I didn't live in nowhere, where nowhere to be found is a wanton wrapper. I've looked in the past, I can't remember for what reason, but I looked and did not find. If I ever find some I will try this!

  34. Well done! I would have never thought to put those two flavors together. Looks great.

  35. sugared ellipses: I can ship some over to you if you'd like. =)

    Julie Jams: Thanks!

  36. These little beauties look delicious - I have got to make these soon!

  37. Oyster Culture: Enjoy making them. It'll be worth it.

  38. Right, I need to get some wonton wrappers and lots of 'em for these!

  39. Daily Spud: It's good to stock up on them.

  40. Dear Sunscaper, this is an awesome idea! When I was going through your posts I felt like I had stepped into Gourmet Magazine. It was so well presented, clean, photos clear and professionally positioned. Excellent copy. I shall return for another bite of this wonderful blog. Thank you for sharing.
    Cheers, Gaby
    You can always visit me at

  41. (I just found your blog) and I LOVE this idea...esp. the chestnuts, excellent idea, thank you!

  42. Quite worthwhile information, thanks for your post.

  43. Great recipe. I didn't see anything in the instructions about putting in the Romano.


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