Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mmmmm...Cookies are Awe-Summm

Childhood nostalgia. I remember eating these cookies when I was younger. Ripping open the bag and devouring them in almost one sitting. Sometimes, I'd have the temptation to buy a bag as a walk passed them in the cookie aisle in the grocery. I had no idea that Mother's Cookies had ceased production on these classics last year until Foodbuzz sent an announcement to Featured Publishers that they were being made once again by the Kellogg Company.

I've been nibbling on these for the past couple of days. Sugar rush...yes! It's a big bag and someone's got to eat it. :-p Thanks, Foodbuzz!

Early this week, Dar from Girlichef was kind enough to pass this Awe-Summm award to me. Special shout out to her today. For this award, we're supposed to share 7 Awe-Summm things about our self.

Alright, as if you didn't think last week was enough. LOL. Here's another 7 things that make me Awe-Summm. (Even though, I don't think I'm awesome in any sense. I'm just a regular ol' plain Jane trying to do what I can.) It took me a few days just to think of these 7 because talking about myself isn't one of the most comfortable thing I like to do. I'm the one who prefers to take the picture rather than be in the picture. But if helps to let me be better known to my readers then I gratefully oblige. So here it goes:

1 I'm humble. I credit my mom for raising me the way she did. Being an only child, I've come to appreciate all the things I already have rather than the things I wish I had.

2 I'm pretty knowledgeable in a lot of things from pop-culture to science, even though 95% of the time I may not look the part.

3 I pretty much knew what I wanted to do career-wise since I was little. When people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said I wanted to me a movie director. many years later, here I am trying to do just that. It hasn't changed since. You can check out my website (here) if you want to preview some of my work. =)

4 I started my own production company (Five Foot Filmworks) when I was 21, which was in 2005.

5 I have been mistaken for a high school student a few times. Oddly enough, I don't really get carded at bars and restaurants even though I want them to.

6 I try to be as charitable as I can, when I can.

7 I would love to one do some humanitarian work abroad.

Now I shall pass this along to a few wonderful foodies.

Rebecca at Chow and Chatter
Daily Spud at The Daily Spud
Diana at Diana Takes A Bite

Check these lovely ladies out as well as other fabulous foodie blogs over on the blog roll on the sidebar.



  1. cookies! nice little insight into you there...

  2. I think you're awesome too!
    I totally remember those cookies; it was the almost non-extistant frosting that I loved.

  3. Congrats-just awe-summmm!!!
    Loved reading about you :)

  4. Beautiful, and very cute Jenn!

  5. The cookies are as awesome as you! 8-)

    #4 on your list is an inspiration! I have a lot more years on you but I've never accomplished anything like that.

  6. doggy: Thanks.

    Dawn: The frosting is what made the cookies.

    Sweta, Elra, Tangled Noodle: Thank you.

  7. haha, you ARE awesome!
    those cookies! so bright and colorful! brings me back to nostalgic times!

  8. thanks Jenn you are Awesome, like your site must check out your movies where can we see them?
    love your entrepreneurial spirit I hope i catch it from you!!
    lol Rebecca

  9. I coulda guessed a lot of those wonderful things about you. I even think I know why it'
    s five foot productions...GREG

  10. Woot! And you know what, you are Awww-summ! I'm in awe of what you have accomplished :) And I luv these cookies, too :) (so do the kiddos)

  11. burpandslurp: I just ate the last pieces today. I want more now. LOL

    Chow and Chatter: Thanks. My films aren't currently online, they will be soon.

    Sippity Sup: The name is dead give-away. LOL.

    girlichef: Thank you so much!

  12. I love those cookies!! And thanks for sharing more tidbits about yourself!

  13. Aww, thank you for that, I blush! You can go right ahead and add super-sweet to that awe-summm list - and I mean you and not the Mothers Cookies, though I guess they count as super-sweet too :)

  14. You're very welcome! You deserve it. =)

  15. wow the cookies does looks awesome and so cute.

  16. SweetiePie: They are awesome!


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