Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mushroom Croquettes

Fun little appetizers, starter or snack. I was about to try making something with mushroom and pureed squash, but my brain wasn't up for making any type of sophisticated recipe. Rather than using an egg as a binding agent I used some Greek yogurt as well as serving this with a yogurt dip. I received a couple of coupons in the mail from Stoneyfield Farm Organic for their Oikos Greek Organic Yogurt.

I don't usually use yogurt for cooking I usually just eat it with some granola for breakfast or snack. So, I decided to give it a try, buying one 5oz cup. I used half in the mushroom mix and the other half for a dip. This would be good also with sour cream, if you'd prefer. It's pretty good. I have a couple more coupons, so I'll be using those soon.

This will make 6-8 croquettes. I had made 8, but you only see six in the picture because I had eaten two. I have to try it out just to make sure it's blog-worthy, right?

Mushroom Croquettes

2 Large Portabello mushroom caps (chopped)
3 oz sour cream or yogurt
1 Tbsp Butter or Margarine
1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (plus extra)
Panko crumbs

In a pan, melt the butter and heat the oil. Saute the mushroom until they darker in color and tender. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Roughly 5-8min on medium heat.

Remove from heat and let it cool completely. Then mix in the sour cream or yogurt. Form into balls or whatever shape you'd like and coat completely with panko crumbs.

Heat some oil in another pan. Pan-fry the balls 2-3min each side. It will have a nice crispy crust on the outside and tender and flavorful on the inside. Place on a paper towel to drain any excess oil.

Garlic Herb Yogurt Dip

4 Tbsp yogurt of choice
1 Tbsp Oregano
1 Tbsp Parsley
1 Tbsp Garlic Powder

Combine ingredients together.


  1. What a great tea time snack!! It'll be perfect with the dip :)

  2. takes me forever to get into your blog, but it's worth it.
    these are much healthier versions of croquettes. love that dip, but then again I am a sauce freak.

  3. These do sound good! Love the dip, too...hmmm, may try these with my next wine.

  4. Mushroom Croquettes sounds fabulous Jenn, and the dip win me over. Yummy!

  5. great recipe you are a genius I love your blog it gives me ideas, maybe I will make it today lol

  6. dip-tastic - and the little mushroom poppers are da' bomb!

  7. Sweta: Perfect snack, indeed!

    Dawn: LOL. I'm hoping blogger will resolve this issue soon.

    girlichef: Perfect!

    Elra: Nice!

    Chow and Chatter: Awe shucks! Thanks!

    Doggy: LOL thanks!!

  8. These are tasty little croquettes. The crispy crust has my mouth watering!

  9. So impressive, I love anything with mushrooms, I'm making this next time I need an appetizer idea!

  10. you seriously have the best recipes. there was not a single recipe that I did not want to make myself. yet another stellar one here. YUM!

  11. Reeni: It's got a good blend of crisp and tender.

    Teresa: These are perfect little party starters.

    burpandslurp: I'm glad you like them. =)

  12. These look delicious! I love the Oikos for dips - yours sounds great!

  13. i probably always say this, but i'm really curious about how these taste

  14. Justin: They taste really good. I love the flavors of the mushroom and paprika together. Blends well with the dip.

    Joie: it is.

  15. JENN!! I love the soound of these little gems. Mushrooms are such a pleasure of mine. I can not wait to add this to my menu!

  16. You're really talking to me with mushrooms and appetizers - finger food is my idea of perfection,

  17. Looks absolutely delicious ... Laila ..

  18. I'm loving the dip. I have to start working with yogurt more often. Thanks!


  19. Donna-FFW: Hope you like them!!

    OysterCulture: I love finger food. Easy cleanup!

    Laila: Thanks

    Eric: I never realized how good yogurt was until I tried it with this.

  20. When I saw the picture of these I was wishing I had mushrooms to make these right now. Thanks for the recipe.

  21. These croquettes are beautiful. I am have been so inspired by shrooms lately. I have been away and just now catching up with you bloggers. Great job...GREG

  22. Sippity Sup: Welcome back!!

  23. I've got a friend who is a mushroom fiend. she'll flip for these. thanks for posting!

  24. Juanita: You're welcome! Hope your friend enjoys them. =)


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