Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sweet Wonton Crisps

So you've got all these leftover wonton wrappers. What do you do? Make more dumpling? Nah. I've got a fun solution to change it up a bit.

I had a few wrappers left from those potstickers and I didn't want them to go waste or just sit in the fridge. I thought of those fried wonton strips that some Chinese restaurants serve as a starter or over some entrees. As many of you know, I try to avoid deep-frying as much as possible. So it was off to the oven. I threw in a tiny twist as well by adding a little sweetness. So I dipped them in some of the left over egg wash and sprinkled a cinnamon mixture over the top and baked for 5-10min. Ta-da!! Crisps. Fun little treats these are. Serve them as a garnish over some ice cream, if you'd like. I had cut the wrappers into strips, but you make cut them into any shape that you like. Or just leave them whole.

The recipe below is made using 3 wontons wrappers, so if you're going to bake a bunch, adjust accordingly.

Sweet Wonton Crisps

wonton wrappers (cut into slices or left whole)
1Tbsp ground cinnamon
1 Tbsp ground nutmeg
1 Tsp Sugar
1 Tsp Brown Sugar
Egg wash: 1 egg beatn with 2 Tbsp water

Preheat oven 400˚F

Mix together cinnamon, nutmeg and both sugars. Set aside.

Baste both sides the wonton wrapper and place on a non-greased baking sheet. Sprinkle some of the cinnamon mixture on top.

Bake for 5-10min or until golden brown.


  1. What a creative and tasty snack. My kids would love them... actually so would I.

  2. These look great! I've done this in a savory fashion with a little sesame oil spread on them. I never thought to do them sweet!

  3. your ideas area always so crazy easy

  4. Awesome Jenn. What a great way to use up those last wrappers.

  5. My Mother-in-law made something like this for us once and it was SO good! They are yummy with vanilla ice cream too! Thank you for the great idea!!

  6. Jenn-you're a dietitian's delight! When I get back to work in India,I'm just gonna put your blog address on my card for the benefit of all the patients who need "healthy" recipes!!

  7. Pam: LOL. It will beloved all around

    Pam: Mmmm...good idea on the sesame oil.

    Justin, chow and chatter, alice: Thanks.

    Kelly: Always good with ice cream

    Sweta: LOL. you can refer them to the blog. =)

  8. YAY. I have wonton wrappers in my fridge right now. I am making these tonight.

  9. I have a post in the wings where I did similar things with wonton we go again ;) They sound delish!

  10. Great post! That's such a great idea for left over wontons. I'll have to try next time I have some.

  11. What a great idea - that's happened to me before and i didn't know what to do with them all

  12. Clever idea. I still have some wonton wrapper, maybe I should make this.

  13. I love these! You could use these as tasty dippers for so many things!

  14. Definitely a good idea here! Crush them and sprinkle on ice cream...that's what we want to do now.

  15. Ok, now you're just showing off :)


  16. Rachelle: Enjoy!

    girlichef: LOL. oh man...something totally weird is happening between the two of us.

    Julie Jams: Don't let those left overs go to waste. =)

    Kristen: Now you don't have to worry about them spoiling.

    Elra: there you go.

    Teresa: I agree.

    Duo Dishes: The crunch with the creaminess of the ice cream. Perfect combination.

    Eric: LoL. I'm not. =)

  17. What a unique and delicious idea. My kids would love them, they'd love to have them dipped in ice cream or chocolate too!

  18. Wow!! I actually have wontons in my freezer. I might have to pull them out.
    This look wonderful. My girls would love them.

    Thank you for stopping at my site.
    Half of my Reuben bread is still left, but it still taste sooo good even when it is cold. LOL.

  19. What a creative idea! I've got some leftover wontons right now and will be making these crisps tomorrow! Thanks!

  20. these would get me in trouble

  21. Donna: These are a great substitute for any crunchy topping.

    Miranda: Thanks!

    5 Star Foodie: Now you'll have a little more room in the freezer.

    Oyster Culture: LoL.

  22. This is great. These are like Asian sopapillas!

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  24. sweet wontons. Now why did not I think of that? GREG

  25. di_ani: Thanks for the awards!

    Sippity Sup: Don't know. =)

  26. Thank you once again for demonstrating that crispy snacks do not automatically mean "deep-fried". These certainly look like they have that texture but oh-so-much-better!

  27. Tangled Noodle: Good food without all the oil.

  28. Ooh, I've never tried that before! You gotta put a patent on that or something, Jenn. LOL! You had me at "leftover wonton wrappers". Cooking it in the oven was genius! Baking is a great alternative to frying, that's for sure. We all have to make healthy changes in the dishes we cook, right? Thanks for the idea!

  29. Hey, there's really much effective information above!


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