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Friday, June 19, 2009

String Bean Soup

I love string beans especially the long variety. Those things can be as long as my arm, even longer. I used half a bundle earlier this week in my vegetable tempura. I love them in soups. There's this stew in the Philippines called sinigang. It's a sour stew. Whenever I see that being served, I dive in and pick out the string beans as well as little of the pork and other veggies. Maybe that's why I always hold up the buffet lines in many Filipino gathering.

I'm the type who like the "meaty" ingredients in the soup rather than the liquid. But I'll take the liquid part, too. I ain't discriminating soups. I'm an equal opportunity soup lover. Yet, I piled on the string beans to my delight. I went vegetarian on this dish, but you can use chicken stock for this as well.

Soup warms the heart.

Makes 2-3 servings.

String Bean Soup

1 12oz can vegetable or chicken stock
3 c long string beans (tips removed, cut into 3-4 inch sticks)
1 large garlic clove - minced
3 green onions - chopped
1 large tomato - chopped
1-2 c fresh spinach
1 Tbsp fresh or dry basil
1 Tbsp olive oil
salt to season
pepper to season

Heat the olive oil in a pot on medium heat. Saute the green onions and garlic for roughly 30 seconds, then add in the string beans. Saute for 1-2 min.

Add chicken or veggie stock and tomatoes. Bring to a boil soup to a boil. Season with salt and pepper. Taste and add more salt and ppeper, if needed. Bring the heat to low and let it simmer for 15 min or until the string beans are tender.


Christo Gonzales said...

I like a savory breakfast and I would enjoy this right about now.

Anonymous said...

Soup looks delicious, very warming!

Parita said...

i have never used beans in my soup, looks healthy and comfort soup!

Sippity Sup said...

This soup does look like an excuse to eat green beans. You have me curious about the sour statement. You should post a version of that "sour" green beans soup too. GREG

Pam said...

I am a soup lover too and I have never had one like this before - can't wait to try this recipe.

chow and chatter said...

looks great very healthy

Creative Classroom Core said...

Yummy and healthy! Great idea!

Bob said...

Looks great, gorgeous pictures.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I've never had a soup like this before. It's a great way to get beans into the diet. Blessings...Mary

Pooja said...

Oh that looks super delicious! Never added string beans to soup. Need to try that next!

teresa said...

I would never think to use string beans as the star of a soup, but this looks wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

mmm...we love this idea. Sounds rich and yet healthy. delish! Best, s

Jenn said...

doggy: :-)

5 Star: Thanks.

Parita: Healthy and comforting, indeed.

Greg: I'll be doing the sour soup soon.

Pam: Hope you enjoy it.

chow and chatter: It is.

finsmom: Thanks.

Mary: I could eat this any day.

Pooja: It's really good.

Teresa: It's mild flavor perfect for any day of the week.

S. Stockwell: Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Great idea1 Had never thought of using string beans for a soup before!

theUngourmet said...

I haven't had soup like this. It looks terrific. I will have to use the beans from my garden for it when they are ready. :0)

Reeni said...

I love string beans in my soup! This looks delicious!

Dewi said...

Heart warming soup and simply delicious Jenn!

lisaiscooking said...

That looks great! I like string beans in soup too, and those look delicious.

Mel @ said...

Hello girly, thanks for the kind comments. Your soup looks pretty tasty too! Let's trade :)

Jenn said...

Ruth: Give it a try. You'll like it.

the ungourmet: fresh beans from the garden? doesn't get any better than that.

Reeni, Elra, lisaiscooking: Thanks.

Mel: Sure! ;-)

Heather S-G said...

This is definitely warming my heart! I am a soup lover...and yours has me doodling its name on my notebook ;)

Jenn said...

girlichef: hehe... Thanks.

Jen @ said...

Sounds like a wonderful soup. I am attempting to grow string beans in my garden... I will save this recipe to try once I have some that are ready to pick!

Jenn said...

Jen: That's so neat. I'd love to grow my own veggies one day.

Tangled Noodle said...

Sinigang, yes - you should totally 'sinigang' this! String beans in that soup was just about the only way I would eat them. This looks marvelous but I have to take that extra step and pour it over rice! 8-D

Jenn said...

Tangled noodle: I would have had made rice, too, but I was already hungry as it was. I couldn't any longer for rice. I'll definitely be making sinigang soon. =)

Jenn said...

Sophie: Thanks.

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