Tuesday, August 11, 2009


You can't really see much from the first photo, but this is a simple classic Filipino drink that any one can make. A perfect summer drink with the most generic name you can think go. Hey, hey, it's simple and to the point. It consists of only three ingredients: cantaloupe, water, and sugar. I remember my little cousins drinking it all up. You would definitely find this on many street food vendors. You'd sometimes see this in many Filipino parties too.

The cantaloupe is shaved into spaghetti strips using a little do-dad thingy-ma-jig. I can't think of the name, but it's a double ended contraption that has a melon baller on one end and a five-ringed looking thing on the other. You just drag it from one end to the other and it will shave the melon in thin noodle strips. It's really cool. I think that the appeal of this drink. You can slurp up the melon. It's really refreshing especially now.

This is definitely a punch bowl type of drink. You can make this in big batches or a small glass. You can also make this drink with honeydew or any melon for that matter.

This recipe serve 3.


1/2 Cantaloupe (seeded & shredded)
12 oz Cold Water
1-2 Tbsp granulated sugar or brown sugar

Combine all three ingredients together. You may add more sugar if needed.

You can make this in advance and let it chill in the fridge or have it with lots of ice (cubes, crushed, shaved, etc)

Edited to add: (Thanks to Tangled Noodle and my mom) don't discard the smooshy part with the seeds! Instead, spoon it into a small mesh strainer, which is then placed over an empty pitcher. As you slowly pour the cold water over the pulp, use a spoon to mash it so that the juice is squeezed. This way, you get even more cantaloupe flavor!


  1. Yummmy blog.. pls do check mine..!

  2. Looks so refreshing!!Figtreeapps

  3. LOVE that do-dad thingy ma jig melon baller. Where can I get my hands on one of those?! I can't eat melons, but it looks like so much fun to shave them into strips!

  4. This sounds totally refreshing and what a great way to get kids some fruit into their bodies, a special drink for them. Id love it myself, might add a touch of the vodka for me;)

  5. That little spoon thingy is very cute. Looks like a delicious drink. All good ingredients, whats not to like? :D

  6. Sounds delicious and very refreshing for the summer!

  7. I know I've told you I don't like cantaloupe before...but I think I would try this anyway...looks so refreshing! And that do-dad-thingy-ma-jig is so cool looking...great shots :D

  8. It looks really tasty! I bet it taste like summer in a glass...with a splash of vodka it would be summer fun in a glass:)

  9. I'm ready! Can we put a little spiced rum in there? Hmmm

  10. That's so cool! I want that utensil. This does sound great for a punch bowl too.

  11. Miammmm! Refreshing and delicious. We used to have this when we were growing up. Very delicious.

  12. Yum. It looks refreshing and delicious.

  13. I have never paid attention to the other end of a melon baller... Making this drink sounds like lots of fun! I can just imagine how much fun my toddler would have drinking/eating it... I'll have to look for a melon baller! :)

  14. That is a neat tool and the drink sounds very refreshing!

  15. What a lovely drink! Perfect cooler!

  16. This is the best drink ever! I love rooting at the bottom of the glass for the strips of cantaloupe.

    Suggestion: don't discard the smooshy part with the seeds! Instead, spoon it into a small mesh strainer, which is then placed over an empty pitcher. As you slowly pour the cold water over the pulp, use a spoon to mash it so that the juice is squeezed. This way, you get even more cantaloupe flavor!

    Think I'll go get me some melon . . .

  17. That looks so cool with the melon floating in there. I must get one of those do-dad thingy-ma-jigs! :0)

  18. yum yum yum. Wish I had one of those right now. We have an old do-dad thing. This one has a bamboo handle and looks pretty beat up.

  19. sanghi: Thanks for stopping by

    Figtree: Thanks.

    Phyllis: I got that do-dad from an asian market. I'm sure Sur la Table or Williams- Sonoma would have something similar, but my best bet would be to check at any Asian market.

    Donna: Mmm..vodka. hehe...

    Denise: Yes it is.

    HH: Correct.

    TavoLini: Me, too.

    girlichef: Thanks.

    Nutmeg: Perfect summer drink. do with it what you will.

    Dawn: Sure. Go right a head.

    Lisa: Punch bowl drinks are fun. Trying to fish out the goodies in them. LOL.

    Parita: ;-)

    Elra: Yes.

    Greg: You can find these at a Filipino or Asian market.

    Pam, 5 Star, Pooja: Thanks.

    Andrea: It's is fun to make and so easy, too.

    Tangled: Thanks for the suggestion. I usually just throw out the seed parts right away.

    Ungourmet: It's really fun trying to fish out the strips.

    Nila Rosa: I used to have an old one, too. But I don't remember where it ended up.

  20. Perfect for the hot weather that we've been having :)

  21. Wow! I've never tried a drink with melon, we just eat it as fruit here. The idea sounds great!

  22. This looks very refreshing. I bet it would be great with honeydew melon.

  23. Sweta: yes, indeed.

    Zerrin: Thanks.

    Palidor: it would. ;-)

  24. This does look SUPER refreshing! Thanks for sharing! I am really enjoying all your Filipino dishes!

  25. Such a simple, but delicious-looking drink!

  26. Jenn, Reeni, Hummingbird: Thanks.

  27. I like this idea. It would make a fun slurpy drink.

  28. melon is perfect for making refreshing drink.. i love the aromatic smell of it!! this vud be a perfect refreshing drink for the hot summer with addition of some ice and vodka :)

  29. The guy is totally just, and there is no skepticism.

  30. For my part everyone ought to glance at it.


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