Monday, August 17, 2009

Sweet Potato Buttermilk Biscuits

Don't you just love it when you get inspired by the most random thing. Sometimes when I'm writing at night, I have the TV on or some music or both. I need to have a little noise in the background to concentrate. This one particular night, Diner's Drive-In's and Dives was on Food Network and it showcased this place that did sweet potato biscuits. I wrote it down on a little post-it and stuck it on my desk along with the 100 other post-its scattered about. I'm a post-it fiend. It kinda sad really. I need a better way to put down reminders and other scribbles.

I took my regular buttermilk biscuit recipe and just added the some mashed sweet potato. I didn't make any modifications to it. Sorry about the cross-section pic. I accidentally smushed it while I was breaking it in half. Soft, chewy and yes, they really do look orange.

Make 9-10 biscuits.

Sweet Potato Buttermilk Biscuits

3/4 c Cooked and Mashed Sweet Potato (roughly 1 medium)
2 c flour (plus extra for dusting)
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp Sugar
1 Tbsp Baking Powder
2/3 c Buttermilk
1/3 unsalted butter

Note: if you want to buy a whole carton of buttermilk, simply add 1 Tbsp lemon juice or vinegar to 1 c milk and let it stand for a least 10min.

Peel and cut the sweet potato into cubes and place them in to some boiling water. Cook them until tender. Cool them off in some cold running water, then mash. Set aside 2/3 c for the sweet potato.

Preheat your oven to 425˚F

Combine flour, salt, sugar and baking powder in a bowl. Cut in the butter until it resembles crumbs. Add in the mashed sweet potato and the buttermilk. Mix it all together until it forms a dough ball.

Turn the dough out onto a well-floured surface and knead a few time. Roll out the dough to 1/2-thick. And cut into 9 or 10 round biscuits.

Place them on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and bake for roughly 10-13 min.


  1. I love a good biscuit, especially right out of the oven with butter :D

  2. sweet potato is one of my fav and id love to make some biscuits from it.. looks mighty tasty jenn!! perfectly baked.. as usual excellent photography! :)

  3. This a great idea for biscuits! Love the light orange color of them too.

  4. buttermilk & sweet potato in a biscuit is like the best combo ever. well, except for buttermilk & cheddar cheese! LOL

  5. Wonderful idea to add sweet potatoes! I bet they are so very good!

  6. I love sweet potato, it is also good on bread. Your biscuit idea is just fantastic. I am sure it delicious.

  7. Oooo, those sound good. And look great too. Heh.

  8. I love sweet potato - and these look awesome!

  9. How funny - I watched that same episode. Your biscuits look amazing.

  10. I can almost taste these from just looking at the photos. The only thing better than sweet potato + biscuits is nutella + bananas :)

  11. with sweet potato sounds really good! Love the colour too!

  12. This is such a great combination - I would be drenching this with butter like you wouldn't believe!

    I'm the same way - I often do my stuff on my laptop in front of the TV. For some reason, the background noise helps me concentrate better (but it can't be just any old show - even if I'm not paying attention, it has to be set to a channel that I WOULD watch, if I weren't typing away!) 8-D

  13. Yum! I make these for Thanksgiving sometimes. They are so scrumptious! Yours turned out picture perfect!

    I love post-its too!

  14. HH: Same here

    Nora: Thanks.

    Lisa: Orange is in! LOL.

    Dawn: Yes, Buttermilk and cheddar!!

    Claire: hehe...

    5 Star, Bob: Thanks. ;-)

    Elra: It was.

    ValleyWriter: ;-)

    Pam: LOL.

    Phyllis: I completely agree.

    pigpigscorner: Thanks.

    Tangled Noodle: I need to some sort of background noise. If it's the TV is usuually have on the food network. or some discovery channel or any of the csi's. LOL

    Ungourmet: Gotta love post-its!!

  15. Nomming on day on those. All day. The three of us may be the world's biggest sweet tater fans! You beat us to the biscuit though. :)

  16. They really look delicious. That lovely pink tone sets them apart from
    their more traditional cousins.

  17. I'm on such a biscuit kick these days ... haven't tried a sweet potato one yet, so am definitely adding your recipe to my list! They look adorable and delish!

  18. I made sweet potato biscuits recently, too...and I am sooooo in love with them. I'm adding them to my Thanksgiving table this year...and for many years to come, I'm sure. They look delish :D

  19. Duo: Gotta love them sweet potatoes, right?

    Mary: The color makes it really stand out.

    Muneeba: I think you'll like these then.

    Girlichef: I'm definitely adding this to my Thanksgiving menu.

  20. These really look great Jenn, I love the color!

  21. I haven't made biscuits in ages. I love the idea of adding sweet potatoes to them... And yes, I love getting inspirations while watching TV. I don't get the Food Network anymore as we canceled cable, but I often watch it at the gym while working out. While I don't ever remember recipes or even complete meals, I often leave with lots of inspirations. And since I don't really like to follow recipes, that works out great...

  22. Oh this look so buttery and yummy girl! And like you, I can't work without noise in the background - classic, jazz or TV or like you said: both! It's a wonder I get anything done!

  23. those sound heavenly!!!

    and I love post its too. i got a whole huge pack of pretty ones as a secret santa gift last year, and it was the best thing ever!

  24. Jenn: Thanks.

    Andrea: I'll remember little snippets here and there from shows then try to put them back together.

    Kim: Same here. I'm alwasy amazed I can get something done with all the distractions. LOL.

    LK: I don't know where'd I'd be without post-its. They're just so awesome!!

  25. Hmmm I don't know if I ever had sweet potato biscuits...I shall give them a try!

  26. Nutmeg: You should! ;-)

    Parita: Thanks.

  27. I have lots of post-its too! Their all over the edges of my computer and hanging off the shelves of my desk. Otherwise I wouldn't remember most of the things I want to. These biscuits look so big and fluffy and yummy!!

  28. Jenn

    You are the best. The smartest. And (one of) the most fantastic blogger(s) I know! I say this with out having read this post. I say this because your loyalty and depth of perception in the comments you leave at SippitySup actually choke me up! I will go back now and read about sweet potatoes and biscuits. 2 things I love. But I had to get that off my chest. GREG

  29. Look delicious - I could imagine eating them warm with butter and honey!

  30. Reeni: LOL. Me and Post-its go together like bread and butter.

    Greg: What you wrote just made my day. ;-) Thank you so much. And I mean what I said in your post today. ;-D

    Michelle: Yes, butter and honey are perfect with this.

  31. I love buttermilk biscuits, and these sound delish! I can only imagine how good they would be with maple butter, yum.

  32. Sweet potato is a highly nutritious and an alternative for food for their valuable contents of carbohydrate, protein and carotene, which are necessary for normal development and even for the sexual development too, believe it or not. Sweet potato is really helpful for welfare and our body.

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