Search Bread + Butter

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Apple Cinnamon Bread

I bought some really delicious organic baby fuji apples from the farmer's market over the weekend and my mind started rolling as to what I can make with them. Was I going go to the tart, cake, dessert, bread route? I went for the bread route. So I decided on a simple apple cinnamon bread.

I followed a simple banana bread recipe and just replace a few ingredients here and there. Like the banana and nuts. I peeled and chopped the apples and made the batter. Here's a cool little tip when working with apples. To keep them from browning, soak them in some water spiked with a little vinegar. Neat, eh?

Mixed the apples into the batter and poured it into a loaf pan. Sprinkled a good amount of oats on top. Baked it for close to 60 minutes on a 350˚F oven. The end result was a moist and chewy. You can definitely taste the apple and cinnamon. Perfect to have for breakfast or as a snack. Check out those little apple bits.

Makes 1 loaf

Apple Cinnamon Bread

4 baby fuji apples or 2 recular sized fuji apples - peeled, cored and chopped
1/2 c rolled oats
1 c sugar
2 c flour
1/2 c unsalted butter or margerine - softened
2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 Tbsp ground cinnamon

note: to keep the apples from browning after peeling, soak them in some water spiked with vinegar.

Preheat your oven to 350˚F

Sift together flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon.

Cream together butter and sugar.

Beat in each egg, mixing after each one. Mix in the flour mixture.

Drain the apples from the water and add into the batter, mixing well.

Pour the batter into a greased loaf pan.

Bake for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.


Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMM....I can smell it from here :) sooo yummy!

figtree said...

I just bought a HUGE basket of apples from the framers market..I am excited to try this one. I love your photos...yum. Figtreeapps

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about what to do with the apples I picked. Thanks for the idea!

Heather S-G said...

Oh yum!!! The smell must be heavenly :D

Teanna said...

Wow, this bread is so perfect for fall! Loving the apple and cinnamon combo. So gorgeous!

chow and chatter said...

oh this looks so so good, with a cup of tea of course and cool you have over a hundred now and growing but of course Bread and Butter Rocks

Ambika said...

The bread looks soooo yum!!!! Lovely pictures! I love the beautiful color of the bread.

Debbie said...

Looks delicious. I will be having a ton of apples here in a few weeks and need all the apple recipes I can find. Love all kinds of quick breads and I will have to try this one!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

What a great fall bread!

Pam said...

Now doesn't that look tasty. The smell of apples baking makes me smile.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your bread looks beautiful. I don't think anything rivals the fragrance of apples and cinnamon baking together in the oven.

Bob said...

Awesome. That looks wicked good!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Ooh... I just bought a whole basket of apples and had no plans for them yet. This bread sounds fantastic... I think I will be giving it a try!

Jenn said...

HH: Hehe...

Figtree: Here's one option.

Hummingbird: No prob.

Girlichef: It is. I loved it.

Teanna, Ambika, Andrea: Thanks.

CC: Woohoo for 100.

Debbie: Make yourself several of these.

Pam: The smell was very intoxicating.

Mary: I agree.

Bob: Thanks.

Jen: Go for it.

Danielle said...

Mmmm that looks so damn good!!!!

KennyT said...

This is simply gorgeous. Thanks for the recipe.

The Duo Dishes said...

MMMMMMM. Bread pudding! Hello French toast!!! What are you going to do with the rest of it?

vanillasugarblog said...

I bet the leftovers would make a fabulous french toast.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I can just SMELL it right now! Wow...that must have made your house smell like the greatest bakery on earth! Ooooh~

Nutmeg Nanny said...

This is like Fall in bread form. I would be happy sitting in my hoodie munching away on this delicious treat:)

Jenn said...

Danielle: thanks.

Kenny: You're welcome.

Duo: I devoured it. Hehe...

Dawn: definitely. French toast would ne good right about now.

Burpandalurp: it did.

Nutmeg: same here.

Diana said...

Mmm I bet this would be amazing with the honeycrisp apples I have hibernating in my crisper...

Nice work! And cool trick with the vinegar! :)

Daily Spud said...

Yay - my Mum's apples are just coming into season and I predict that there will be lots of apple-y baked goods like this in my near future!

Reeni said...

This looks positively delicious! I bet it's really good toasted or made into french toast!

Jenn said...

Diana: Yes, it would.

Daily Spud: Get ready for some apple deliciousness.

Reeni: French toast = yes!

teresa said...

i too have a huge surplus of apples that need attending to! i need look no further, thanks!

Janice said...

I just bought some organic apples at the farmer's market, can't wait to use them in this bread recipe

Unknown said...

This looks great and I absolutely LOVE the oats on the top. It makes it look so special!

Parita said...

The bread looks yummy jenn!

Jenn said...

Tersa: You're welcome.

Janice: Hope you enjoy them.

ValleyWriter: It was special.

Parita: Thanks.

Kitchen Butterfly said...

Apples...seasonal, nutritious, delicious. Perfect with cinnamon. Maybe chunks of preserved ginger...and flaked almonds. Any which way, heaven on earth!

OysterCulture said...

this sounds like such a treat on a nippy cold morning like this - can't wait to give it a shot.

Jenn said...

Oyster: Enjoy.

Sam@BingeNYC said...

Yum...I'm dreaming about a slice of this bread for breakfast, toasted with a bit of butter.

Jenn said...

Sam: Thanks.

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