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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Grilled Fish with Ginger BBQ Sauce

Today marks 6-month since I've started this little blog of mine. I'm amazed at how much it's become such a wonderful part of my life. To all you loyal readers, I say thank you for making these past several month a very very fun one. 

I wasn't quite sure which white fish I had gotten. I think it may have been halibut. It just said seafood on the label. But it was fresh. I wouldn't have gotten it, if it wasn't. Labor day meant I had to grill something. I didn't feel up to grilling any type of beef or pork as i had a nice fill of that over the weekend. My other alternative was fish. I love fish.

So the day came and I busted out the ol' George Foreman Grill since I can't grill outside. Georgie, as I like to call it, has done me some good this summer. He's made me some delectable eats.

I basted it with a simple BBQ sauce made from soy sauce, ketchup, brown sugar and a little bit of minced ginger. Grilling fish doesn't take a long time, so this was done in only minutes. Several months ago I posted a cooking tip about when to flip the fish. The answer to that is to just let the fish be. You'll know when it's ready. It will basically lift off the grill without any hesitation onto your spatula. If it looks like it's stuck to the grill let it cook some more. Don't force it. That way you'll have a nice whole fillet.

As for what I served this with, I went for the Asian route. I had some left over white rice that I made into garlic fried rice and tossed in some sauteed thin asparagus. I also grilled several thick slices of tomato while the grill was still hot.

Serve 2

Grilled White Fish with Ginger BBQ Sauce

2 white fish fillet

Ginger BBQ sauce:
1/3 c Soy sauce
2 Tbsp tomato ketchup
112/ Tbsp fresh ginger - minced
1 1/2 Tbsp Brown sugar

Prep your grill.

Combine the BBQ sauce ingredients and let it sit for at least 30 min to let the ginger flavor really blend into the sauce.

Season the fillet with salt and pepper both sides.

Cook the fillets on the grill. 2-3 minutes per side depending on the heat of you grill.

Baste the fillets with the bbq sauce and flip. A good way to know when to flip is when the fish looks and feels like it's not sticking to the grill. Baste the other side as well.

Remove from grill and let it rest for 2-3 minutes.


Parita said...

i love the flavor of ginger and brown sugar together...awesome!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 6 months :), the fish looks fantastic!

Heather S-G said...

This looks so good. I love the look of the sauce all glazed and delish! 6 months...that's it???!!! Congrats on the first's to many more :D

Miranda said...

I love your recipes! They are aways easy and elegant,

Teanna said...

George Foreman got me through college! Haha!! Gorgeous fish! Congrats on your anniversary!

Sanghi said...

Grilled fish looks scrumptious...!:)

Jamie said...

Only 6 months? Wow! Look how far you've gone with this baby! Congratulations!

This fish looks fabulous in this yummy sauce!

pigpigscorner said...

Congrats! Great flavours! and I love the idea of serving it with garlic fried rice!yum!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Congrats on six months of blogging! :)

I'm obsessed with all things ginger lately. The ginger BBQ sauce sounds soooo good! Beautiful dish!

Anonymous said...

congrats on six months! The grilled fish looks delicious! you make me want to buy a George Foreman grill!

figtree said...

This sounds sooooooooooooooo good, Im buying fish today.Thanks for inspiring me!!!Figtreeapps

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Congrats on 6 months of blogging! Love the recipe - it sounds delicious!

Nutmeg Nanny said...

Congratulation on hitting the six month mark:) This ginger BBQ sauce sounds amazing.

vanillasugarblog said...

I do love the ginger in a bbq sauce. I can smell it from here. Nice!

Pam said...

The sauce sounds terrific. The whole meal looks delicious.

Happy 6th month blogiversary.

Sippity Sup said...

Simple grilled fish, cooked to perfection. Nothing is better! GREG

Thistlemoon said...

Happy 6 Months!!! :)

I love my George Forman too. We got it when we didn't have the option of having an outdoor grill. But my husband still uses it every day to make breakfast panini!

theUngourmet said...

Looks terrific! Great tip on cooking the fish. Thanks!

Jenn said...

Parita: ;-D

HH, Girlichef, Miranda, Sanghi, Jamie: Thanks.

Teanna: Georgie has gotten some good use out of it.

Pigpigcorner: I got to have my fried rice.

Andrea: you'll love the BBQ Sauce

Hummingbird: It's a hand kitchen gadget.

figtree: Your welcome.

Jen, Nutmeg, Pam: Thanks.

Dawn: hehe...

Greg: I agree.

Jenn: Ooo...A breakfast panini sounds really good right about now.

Ungourmet: Your welcome.

Diana said...

Happy 6 month blogoversary! This fish looks delish -- the perfect healthy dinner!

Lori Lynn said...

Hi Jenn!
Happy 0.5 Anniversary!

Love the fish and that sauce sounds great.


Phyllis said...

Happy 6 month anniversary Jenn!!! And that's some gorgeous bbq glaze on that fish. Thanks for the tip on flipping the fish, I guess I've always been impatient :)

Esi said...

Happy six month blogiversary :) What a great dish to celebrate with

OysterCulture said...

6 months - Congrats! I can't believe it, all the hard work and effort you've put into this, and I feel like I've known you forever!

lisaiscooking said...

The bbq sauce sounds great with the ginger! Great tip about when to turn fish too.

Jenn said...

Diana, LL, Esi: Thanks.

Phyllis: Don't worry I get impatient, too.

Oyster: Hehe...

Lisa: Your welcome.

chow and chatter said...

oh this looks great keep on blogging girl your great at it Rebecca

Justin said...

fresh ginger makes everything better

Anonymous said...

No. Freaking. Way. Only 6 months? You're bluffing! Way to go! Your blog is already a huge success!
And YUM fish with Ginger BBQ sauce! My Asian roots are tingling!

Jenn said...

CC: 8-D

Justin: Yes, it does.

Burpandslurp: I kid you not. ;-D

Anonymous said...

I would love to do this with my weekly salmon. It looks so tasty.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 6 months of bloggin! I'm loving your ginger bbq sauce, awesome!

Fearless Kitchen said...

That's a really nice, tasty sauce for a grilled fish!

Jenn said...

comfycook: Give it a go.

5 Star: Thanks.

Jenn said...

Fearless Kitchen: Thanks.

Mary Bergfeld said...

This looks wonderful. It has an air of elegance about it. I like that. Happy Anniversary. Six months is a milestone.

Jenn said...

Mary: Thanks.

test it comm said...

That fish looks really good!

Jenn said...

Kevin: Thanks. said...

Thank you for your post, pretty helpful material.

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