Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pan-Seared Salmon with Tapenade

Remember a couple days ago, on the Production Eats post I mentioned something about wanting a second piece of that salmon with olive tapenade from when I worked on the show Bones. We'll here's that second piece. That's how much I wanted it.

I was still craving salmon when I ventured into the farmer's market over the weekend. Luckily, they had some sushi grade fillets over at the Dry Dock Fish booth. For this, I simply pan-seared the salmon in some butter and lemon juice, then placed it into the oven to let the inside cook slightly, but still keeping it slightly rare.

For the tapenade, I made two kinds. I made a simple ordinary black olive version and a sun-dried tomato version. I really liked the sun-dried tomato blended into the tapenade. I wasn't always a fan of olives and tapenade for that matter, but now I love them. So I guess I didn't need to get back in line for that second piece.

I served the salmon with some fresh slices of tomato over a small bed of lettuce. You can serve the tapenade as a appetizer as well on crackers or on crostinis

Serves 2-3

Pan-Seared Salmon with Olive and Sun-dried Tomato Tapenade

2 salmon fillets
3 Tbsp butter
salt and pepper
dry oregano
Juice of half lemon
Black Olive & Sun-Dried Tapenades (recipes below)

Preheat your oven to 375˚F

Season the salmon filets with salt, pepper, and oregano.

Melt the butter in a  oven-safe skillet and add the lemon juice. When the butter has melted. Place the filets. Sear each side for 1-2 minutes per side depending on thickness. Once all sides have been seared, place the skillet in the oven for 5-10 minutes to let the inside of the salmon slightly cook through.

Remove from the oven and serve. Top with some black olive tapenade or sun-dried tomato tapenade.


20 black or kalamata olives (pitted)
1/2 Tbsp capers
Juice of half lemon
1/8 c extra virgin Olive oil

Combine all ingredients in the food process and blend until a paste-like consistency.

Note: to make it into a sun-dried tomato tapenade, add a few sundried tomato that has been preserved in oil. The oil from the tomato will replace the 1/8 c extra virgin olive oil that is called for in the ingredients. Add more, if needed.


  1. I love salmon, this looks great. How did it compare with the one you ate before?

  2. Oh, I bet this combo is wonderful. The salty-tang of the olives w/ the richness of the I'd like a piece, please :D

  3. I bet the saltiness of the olive plays very well with the salmon! sounds great!

  4. Every time you make fish it makes me want to eat it. And that's quite a feat since I'm not too into fish! Looks great. :)

  5. i've definitely had those dishes that i obsess over until i figure out a way to make it again! this looks incredible, i love the tapenade!

  6. This looks so good! Thanks for the tapenade recipe, will try soon!

  7. My husband would love this - he loves salmon AND olives, and since I don't like either, neither one gets in the grocery cart very often.

    Thanks for the recipe!

  8. HH: It taste equally good.

    girlichef: I'd cook this again in a heartbeat.

    Peggy, Parita: Thanks.

    Bob: Enticing ain't it.

    Teresa: Yeah. I get it so many times. I just have to fulfill that craving.

    Fresh Local: Enjoy!!

    LK: it is.

    Biz: the hubs would definitely love this.

  9. Love tapenade, great idea using it for salmon.

  10. This is a great topper for salmon especially when it's going into a sandwich. Yours looks wonderful.

  11. Yum. Interesting combo of flavors. See, this is why I can't do your job. On the set of Bones? I'd be all over-excited and such. I love that show.

  12. I have some sun dried tomatoes...and wasn't sure what to do with em'. You make the choice for me. Given that i am such a super fish lover..this is going to become my dinner tonight!!
    Thanks a zillion!

  13. Beautiful looking salmon! I have to admit- I have never tried salmon with tapenade, but I've got to give it a try.

  14. I've never tried tapenade before-sounds great though!!

  15. You remebered a recipe and re-created it at home. Cool...GREG

  16. Your tapenade recipes are worth trying. Our last attempt at a tapenade pinwheel went crazy bad!

  17. Lovely combination, I'd definitely try your tapenade, love tapenade so much!

  18. I love tapenade. And I love salmon. The flavors sounds amazing...

  19. Elra, Mary: Thanks

    Tasty Eats. I've only seen afew episodes, but I hear it's pretty good.

    Jhonny: Enjoy!

    Kamran: Give it a try!

    Sweta: It's really good.

    Greg: If I gotta do it, I gotta do it.

    Duo: Give it a try again.

    Kenny, Andrea: Thanks.

  20. Man, I've been telling my parents how much I miss salmon! Now I'm going to dream about it all night! And with that tapenade...amazing!!!

  21. Again, you handmake something that is readily available on all supermarket shelves in France but yours must be about a gazillion times more delicious as it is homemade (by you!) And spreading tapenade on salmon is brilliant! Yum!

  22. Great recreation! I bet yours is even better. The tapenade sounds delicious especially with the sun-dried tomatoes!

  23. Sophia: you should get some salmon. It's great on the georgie grill.

    Jamie: Thanks. As much as I'd buy the store kind, i prefer to make it at home when I can.

    Reeni: It really good.


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