Monday, December 21, 2009

Buttered Toast Crisps

This is a little something I grew up eating. Actually, it is butter and sugar sandwiches. It may sound weird to some, but this is a snack I grew up eating. It's a bit common in the Philippines as a merienda (snack). Toasted -- and sometimes untoasted -- slices of bread with a spread of butter and sugar. The butter would melt on the hot crisp bread, then you'd sprinkle some sugar and watch is soak up the melted butter and eat it all up.

These toast crisps are another way of making that sandwich. The end result is almost like a biscotti, which is twice baked to get it to that crunchy consistency. The perfect type of bread to use are baguettes. I used some wheat pan de sal. There's really not right choice for what type you use. It's your preference. Instead of spreading the butter and sugar after the bread has been toasted, you put it on before and toast it in the oven or toaster oven for 10 minutes on a preheated 350˚F oven. Just until the bread becomes slightly crisp. These are great appetizers or a little snack. The sugar crystallizes together creating a really cool crisp sugar layer. Childhood nostalgia all over.

Buttered Toast Crisps

1 baguette or 5 sandwich slices
granulated sugar

Preheat your oven to 400˚F

Cut the baguette into 1/2-inch slices.  Spread some butter on on side and sprinkle a generous helping of sugar on top If using sandwich bread slices, spread the butter and sugar before cutting into toast points or squares.

Place on an baking sheet and toast for 10-15 minutes. Until bread is crisp.


  1. A little naughty, but nice :D

  2. omg, I haven't had these in years!! I used to like a little cinnamon on them too. Yummy!

  3. That looks like comfort food that is great to snack on!

  4. My friend used to make these... Very yummy! :)

  5. Bread and Butter--a title worthy post!

    My mom made the same thing for us, except she usually added cinnamon, too.

    Looks delicious :)

  6. I can smell these from here..mmmmmm mouth watering!

  7. I grew up eating bread fried in bacon fat, so I am not one to judge.

  8. One of my favorite childhood treats as well, yum!

  9. This is similar to the cinnamon toast I loved when I was little. Same idea, but cinnamon was added with the sugar. Delicious@

  10. Oh this is kind of like cinnamon sugar toast! but without the cinnamon. :) That was one of my favorite snacks/treats as a kid.

  11. Can't say I've ever heard of it before, but it does sound tasty.

  12. I have relatives in canada that grew up eating butter & sugar sammies. So I know where you're coming from there. But these do sound good to me--you know me I'm up for anything.

  13. Delicious and simple idea Jenn. Have you tried to put a bar chocolate inside your baguette. I love it, it's my afternoon snack.

    Happy holiday to you and your love one!

  14. Anything with butter, sugar and bread is always good. Looks yummy!

  15. Pure comfort food if you as me. I make something similar, but I add a bit of liqueur (surprised?) to the melted butter before I top with sugar than stick the whole thing under the broiler for a few minutes - very yummy!

  16. oh very cool love your blog gives us all new ideas
    Merry Christmas Jenn

    Love Rebecca

  17. You're going to think this is strange but I grew up on these with coffee poured over them. A little milk and another big scoop of sugar to boot. I look back and can't believe my mom let us drink coffee when we were young!

    Definitely brought back some memories for me.... Thanks!

  18. Oh my mom used to make this for me, too! except she deep-fried the bread into a crisp toast!

  19. I grew up eating these,with a little cinnamon added to the sugar and I loved them. But shame on me I have never made them for my own children. I feel guilty over all of the sugar I feed them. I think I'm going to fix that tomorrow, buttered toast crisps for all!

  20. We always used to have cinnamon sugar toast breakfast. It was one of my favorites :)

  21. I like it this way too, though I leave off the sugar. My husband doesn't understand my liking crunchy bread, he likes his toast really soft.

  22. Oooh, nice little late night snack too.

  23. Yum! This reminds me of the cinnamon sugar toast I used to make as a kid. So tasty!

  24. So, I don't really believe it may have success.


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