Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sourdough French Toast

Whoever thought that eating breakfast for dinner is a genius!! Hats off to those person(s) responsible. I was planning to bake bread that day, but i was running low on ingredients, to I opted to get a fresh baked sourdough loaf from Panera. The day wears on without a hitch until my stomach tells me it's time to feed it. It had been hours since I last ate. I decided to cook up some good ol' fashioned french toast. Made a general batter of egg, milk, cinnamon and vanilla. Grab a few thick slices of sourdough and cook 'em right up.

I've always used french bread with making french toast, so in using sourdough it bring a nice balance of sweet and slightly sour with the syrup. Make sure you put a good drizzle of syrup. I can't think of french toast without it. For those who don't want to use the whole egg, you can use 2 egg whites instead.

Makes 4 slices

Sourdough French Toast

4 - 1/2-inch thick slices sourdough bread
1 egg or 2 egg whites.
1/3 c milk
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
syrup - your choice

Beat the egg in a flat dish, Season with the salt then add the milk, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix together thoroughly.

Heat up a skillet and lightly grease with a little butter. Dip both sides of the bread into the milk batter for 15 seconds and cook on the skillet for 2-4 minutes (per side) on medium heat and until slightly browned. Do this for each slice.

Serve it warm with a good drizzle of syrup and some  extra butter with maybe a side of fruit.


  1. Deliciously simple - and what a treat to have it at dinner - definitely more appreciated especially when you kick it up a notch with the sour dough! ~Mary

  2. You got the 'toast' color on this French toast perfectly! I'm all on board with breakfast for dinner, although it's not as glamorous-looking as this (Oatmeal. Yay.)

    Note: my word verification is 'pigge' - so very, very true.

  3. Looks great!! It is my new years resolution to spend more time making nice breakfasts on the weekends. I think I'm going to have to save this recipe and give it a try because I just love making sourdough toast in the morning... I can only imagine how good it would be as FRENCH TOAST! YUMMY!!

  4. I love breakfast for dinner and French Toast is perfect for this. Yours looks wonderful!

  5. That looks really good. Bredinner (breakfast for dinner) is always a great thing and for some reason tastes better than breakfast in the morning.

  6. yep I LOVE using sourdough bread for french toast, so much flavor.

  7. Love it! I make french toast a couple of times a month probably. Hubby like syrup like you do. I like powdered sugar on mine :-)

  8. My husband, who loves sourdough, would LOVE this French toast.

  9. Breakfast for dinner is one of the best things ever. I maintain that most people don't properly appreciate breakfast first thing in the morning, they're too tired to really enjoy it.

  10. I love French toast - it might be my favorite breakfast food!

  11. I love breakfast for dinner. Maybe even more than breakfast for breakfast.

    Genius to use the sourdough! What a fabulous twist.

  12. I love sourdough & I love French toast! I could eat it anytime!

  13. Guess who is the lucky girl who has a loaf of sourdough sitting in her kitchen :) I would have never thought to use it for french toast.

  14. mmmm, i just might make this for dinner, i love that it's made out of sour dough!

  15. I just read the chapter on French toast in Orangette's A Homemade Life and have been craving French toast like mad! I think I need some for my dinner soon! :)

  16. Breakfast for dinner. That's on my agenda now! GREG

  17. Mmm, yum! I love sourdough. I miss it a great deal. But this? This sounds even better!

  18. I agree breakfast for dinner is a great idea, maybe with a side of bacon? Thanks for the recipe.

  19. yummy treat Jenn! Maybe add saute mushroom on top?

  20. Great idea to make a french toast with sourdough bread!

  21. Have you ever prepare toast with cinnamon it taste delicious or with honey it's the best I really enjoy when I have toast at breakfast.

  22. This recipe is exactly what is wrong with the economy today! It's people like you with your "sourdough french toast" who are driving this country deeper and deeper into debt every day. I used to be a huge fan of your site until I read this recipe, now I am afraid I am going to have to leave this site and never return and tell anyone I know that it is a horrible site. I hope you are happy in 3 years when we are all mining for small red garnet stones in the countryside because that's where you are driving us with this garbage.


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