Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Eat Your Words" with Twisted Breadsticks

I promised myself that I would participate in this year's Eat Your Words Challenge hosted by Tangled Noodle and Savour The Thyme.  Well here's my entry. Just in time too. It's been crazy hectic for me lately and trying to squeeze in the time to create something during productions gets a bit tricky. But I'm glad I was able to pull it off. Just something simple and of course a favorite of mine to eat. What you may ask, is it? It's non-other than bread.  Luckily, I had a can Pillsbury pizza dough left in the fridge. One of the neat things about dough is that you can shape them any way you want. I didn't want to make ordinary breadsticks, so I stuffed them with cheese. Cheesy breadsticks. You know like the cheesy pizza crust from certain pizza joints. It's sort of from that concept. I used shredded cheese for the inside, that way the pieces that stick out will melt onto the outer crust.  I made a little happy face to along with the "bread." I was originally going to try PB&J stuffed breadsticks, but I think I'll save that for another day. It's super easy, plus you can get kids to help out and make them, too.

Makes 10 sticks

Twisted Breadsticks
1 can Pillsbury Pizza Dough
 Shredded cheese.

Preheat your oven to 425˚F

Cut the pizza dough into 2-3 inch strips. Sprinkle a good amount of cheese down the center.  Carefully roll them up by rolling up one corner diagonally and twisting to carefully seal the cheese in.

Place the sticks on an ungreased baking sheet and baked for 13-17 minutes until golden brown.


  1. Contrary to the saying, this woman CAN live on bread alone! This is great - the smiley face on top actually looks like a crown to me. Twisted breadsticks fit for a king or queen?

    Thanks so much for joining us in Eating Your Words!

  2. I really like that smiley face on top of the word bread. Sounds like fun event Jenn!

  3. I love that picture :) Looks like a neat way to do the title spot of a food blog! mmmm breadsticks....

  4. SO.

    ...oh and the recipe looks delicious, too!


  5. Very clever and very well done! GREG

  6. Love it! I've been trying to think of something clever for the past two days with no luck.

  7. These breads sticks are so cute! The method you used to get the cheese inside is so clever. And little pieces that stuck out remind me of the cheese bread I used to eat growing up :)

  8. Great entry! I'm rather partial to cheese filled bread myself. ;)

  9. Great idea for cooking with kids I think. Thanks

  10. What a cute idea. I'm going to try this with my grandchildren this weekend:) I would love for you to join me for Crock Pot Wednesday whenever you can. There's a giveaway going on in April.

  11. you are too funny. I love the breadstick words. You are very creative. :)))

  12. For some reason, that bread picture captures the tone of this blog: creative, simple, and fun! Nice job!

  13. These are super cool! Great entry for the contest!

  14. WOW!!! The smiley is adorable

    :-) for you too....

    Very creative entry for "Eating your Words Challenge'
    The Variable - Nachiketa
    Crazy Over Desserts - The Variable, Nachiketa

  15. I read a lot of helpful info in this post!


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