Monday, March 22, 2010

Loteria - A blogger meet up

This past Saturday, I was able to meet up with a few LA bloggers. I love meeting people, have I told you that yet? The place was Loteria Grill at the famed Los Angeles Farmer's Market.

Snagged this shot from Sophia. :)

I was initially invited by Sophia from Burp and Slurp.  At the time, I wasn't sure if I was able to make it as I'm currently producing a small project, so my time tends to my iffy during production days. But I was glad that I was able to go. I've been asking Sophia as to when and if we were ever going to meet. And I'm glad that time has finally come. I was also glad to meet three (new to me) bloggers as well.  Andy and Amanda from Two Boos Who Eat and Ameena from Fancy That...Fancy This.

Andy, Amanda, Ameena, and Sophia

We all come from different backgrounds and yet food has a way to bring us all together. It was a little funny when we all whipped out our cameras at the same time.

Ameena with her tacos.

I'm tempted to grab that cup of guacamole. :)


The Napolitos Ensalada that Ameena graciously shared with us. It was made from fresh cactus paddle with tomato, chile serrano, onion and cilantro in a light lime vinaigrette.

It was interesting. I've never really had cactus before so I wasn't quite sure what to except in terms of taste and texture. It was tasty though. 

Oh yeah...before I forget. I ordered the Tacos de Camaron with some rice and beans, which was shrimp tacos. I so wanted to try the conchita pibil, but I wasn't going to break my lenten vow after all this time. My original choice was enchiladas, but the shrimp sounded tasty. Though, it did take a while for my food to arrive. (?) I kept going back to the counter just to make sure that they said my name as everyone else had already gotten their plates. The server did say that the "shrimp takes a while to cook." Really? It was tasty. But a bit pricey. All that for $11 bucks for something that didn't really "wow" me. The only saving grace were the fun conversations we all had.


  1. I love Andy and Amanda! They are so sweet!! I wish I knew another food blogger to meet up with! Glad you all had fun, someday,someday....

  2. Looks like fun :). Its weird how we become bloggers because we have a common interest in food but we end up making some great friendships out of it. Thats my favourite part about blogging.
    *kisses* HH

  3. How fun! It's great meeting your blog friends in person. Hopefully, if I ever make it out to the LA area soon (my sisters live in Redondo), I'll have a chance to meet up with you and other LA bloggers.

  4. How great that you guys got together! One of the things I love most about food blogging is the awesome community and support from other bloggers.

  5. This looks like such fun! I love getting together with fellow foodies!

  6. Looks like a great time and tasty food, thanks for sharing. I would try the cactus too.

  7. That is always fun Jenn, but I don't really see you here. I want to see your photo too. Anyway, next time I come to LA, let's meet. My father in law live there. So, we visit him sometimes.

  8. i love that farmer's market. i've never done a meet-up like that.

  9. What a fun blogger meetup!

  10. Always cool to meet fellow food bloggers. Glad you guys had fun! (Funny about that comment - "Shrimp takes a while to cook", maybe they were out catching it ;))

  11. Obviously, their shrimp is something special, because shrimp takes the fastest to cook. But I guess they have the other meats pre-made, that's why. Boo.

    I miss you already! Yes, yes, we need to get okonomiyaki...but I found out that LA has NONE! seriously! URGH! The only place is Haru Ulala...but it's kind of a bar/pub place, and the item isn't even on the menu! T__T

    But hey, do you know this place that has the BEST MOLE ever:

    I'm drooling!

  12. What fun! Boston bloggers don't seem to meet up much and I don't have any initiative, so I don't see myself doing things like this any time soon. Heh.

  13. I love Loteria, but do agree that it is a bit pricey considering its location. I always used to get the chicken mole burrito there - delish!

  14. It does look a bit small for 11 bucks but at least you had a good time :)

  15. Looks like a fun meet up. I've only had cactus a few times, but I liked it. Now I want some Mexican food... :)

  16. What a fun meet up!!! That is so awesome that you guys got together!!! Good luck on producing!!!

  17. That's so cool! And shrimp tacos sound really good! Sorry they didn't wow you! Especially since they made you wait. Boo.

  18. Looks like such a fun time! Oh, if only I lived in L.A.. I'd join you in a heartbeat! Looks like good grub!

  19. Mmm. I love tacos. They're so easy to make at home, too. I agree with everyone that blogging allows you to meet some really great people.

  20. Still haven't been to Loteria. Are we the only ones?

  21. that's awesome! meeting friends through a food blog is great!

  22. So much fun - it looks like you all had a blast - like the one of Sophia really enjoying her food. It is very nice to be able to finally put people to the virtual friends we develop

  23. Goodness, there is a lot of worthwhile info in this post!


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