Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cheese Crispies

I remember when I was a kid, I would cook up those Kraft cheddar singles in the microwave. The cheese would melt on the little saucer. The edges would harden and the center was nice and melted. I'd scrap up and eat the center first, the I'd carefully remove that one ring of outer cheese that's slightly hardened and eat that up last. Bring back so many memories. My mom would look at me funny, but I didn't care. I had myself some melted cheese.

These are sort of like that melted cheese I used to have. They're great in sandwiches or as a garnish on a salad.

Cheddar Crispies

Shredded or Grated cheddar cheese

Note: you may also used mixed blended cheese.

Preheat your oven to 400˚F

On a parchment paper lines baking sheet, Take 1 2 tablespoons of cheese and lay it on the parchment paper. Carefully pat it down to lightly spread the cheese into a flat circle. Place in the oven for 5-6 minutes. Then let it cool and harden before handling.


  1. This is perfect for me...I always love picking up those crispy bits of cheese that fall to the wayside when baking, this time it's the main event!

  2. Crunchy, melted cheese is so addictive! I love putting disks of cheese like this on salads.

  3. These make such lovely and delicious garnishes!

  4. A great idea. I love melted cheese and this is putting an extra twist on it.

  5. I've always wanted to try these:)

  6. Awesome! I've done something similar in a nonstick pan with mozzarella. Good times.

  7. What a great idea putting these on a salad! My daughter loves cheese crispies too!

  8. oooh, i want to eat a whole bowl of them!

  9. Love, love, love these!!! (Well, big surprise, what with cheese don't I love???)! :)

  10. Yum! I like to make parmesan crisps in the oven for my soup - such a great accompaniment!

  11. How fun is that?! Cheese is the best thing. It's proof that God loves us.

    ...Oh yeah, and beer, too ;-)

  12. Hmmm..sounds like those would taste great....your lemon cookies look very, very good too!

  13. I need to make these crispies for my daughter - she would love them for sure!

  14. that is brilliant idea Jenn. Love crunchy cheese like this. You know I normally do this on iron skillet on top of the stove, and take forever, because I can only do it 2 at a time. I better using your idea of making them in the oven. Thanks jenn!

  15. that is brilliant idea Jenn. Love crunchy cheese like this. You know I normally do this on iron skillet on top of the stove, and take forever, because I can only do it 2 at a time. I better using your idea of making them in the oven. Thanks jenn!

  16. I love these, they're simple to make but so tasty and elegant.

  17. I love this! What a great idea Jenn!
    Have a wonderful week!

  18. nice--I bet you could do these in different shapes, too. neato!

  19. i've watched people do this in a skillet with hard cheeses like parm and pecorino but never tried it

  20. There's no doubt, the dude is absolutely just.


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