Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Porto's Brunch

Two more sleeps, two more sleeps, two more sleeps!!!! W00T! W00T!


It's one of those days when you cherish spending a couple hours with those closest to you. BFFs included. It's funny how as you grow older, our lives and schedules change. Trying to find the time to coordinate a time to get together can always be tricky. A constant back and forth of "are you free on ___?" or "How about on ____?" even "Can we reschedule for ____?" Oh life. But when an opportunity comes we take advantage of it to the fullest. Sometimes a simple brunch is all you need.

We headed to my/our favorite spots Porto's Bakery. When we arrived there is was shortly before the late morning/lunch rush. No lines at the cafe. Sweet!! So we order and grab ourselves a seat as we chat away and catch up from the last time we saw each other.

We both decide to order the chorizo and omelette on Cuban bread from their breakfast sandwich selection. Mmmm...yummy chorizo. That the one thing that sold me on the sandwich was the chorizo with the soft Cuban bread. Yum!!! Brought to the table warm and ate it all up. Oh...and look what she gave me as a souvenir from her recent trip to Hawaii.

A hula girl oven mitt. hehehe...

 It's sooo cute!!!! I love it!!! (Cue Hawaiian music) I'm almost afraid to even use it. hahaha... I truly have some of the bestest friends ever.


  1. The sandwich looks awesome, I love chorizo omlettes and Cuban bread...so perfect sandwich! The oven mitt is so cute...it made me smile!

  2. Wow! I want one of those chorizo omelette sandwiches . . . oh, and the hula girl oven mitt, too!

  3. chorizo and eggs go so well together don't they?
    two more sleeps! LOL i used to say that as a kid when it was almost vacation time.
    i hope you'll still blog while on vacation? you will be missed....

  4. We are totally a "two more sleepies" kind of household, too. You must be getting so excited!! Have a great trip!
    (Oh and I LOVE the oven mitt. We're thinking of going to Hawaii in the fall. This will def. be on my to-buy list!)

  5. oh cute enjoy your trip and your mum taught you well!

  6. Loving that hula mitt, she is a cutie :)

  7. The mitt is so cute! aww...I'm so jealous! Have a wonderful trip!

  8. The mits are adorable! And those sandwiches look so yummy!

  9. What no guava pastries or tarts? Por shame!

    That egg sandwich does look great though!

  10. oh i'm loving the sandwich, and the oven mitt!

    your vacation sounds so fun!!

  11. yum, chorizo & eggs on cuban bread - who can ask for anything more?

  12. There's no doubt, the dude is absolutely just.

  13. Quite worthwhile piece of writing, thanks for the article.


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