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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chicken Burger

I'm a dork!!! I've been meaning to post this recipe for the past couple of weeks. It's literally been sitting in draft mode on my blogger dashboard. I keep telling myself that I will post it "tomorrow" and tomorrow passes and it becomes a couple weeks. So, I've finally kicked my behind and FINALLY posted it.

Anyway, I'm digging those sandwich thins from Orowheat. Rather than having a really big burger bun, I can have myself a couple nice pre-sliced pieces of bread. I remember having some ground chicken in the freezer and one of the first things that come to mind were chicken burgers. I added a simple seasonings here and there like salt, pepper, and a green onion. Also, a dash of soy sauce and some panko crumbs. Chicken in any form is one of those meats you've got to season or you'll find yourself with a bland piece of meat. The interesting thing about ground chicken that I noticed is that it doesn't shrink as much as burgers do when grilled.

Here's a simple juicy chicken burger for your summer grilling.

Serves 2.

Grilled Chicken Sandwich

1/2 lb ground chicken
2 green onion - chopped
1 tsp soy sauce
1/3 c panko crumbs
1 medium tomato - sliced
4-slices of bread
 shredded mozzarella cheese

In a bowl mix together the green onion, panko, soy sauce. and season with a little salt and pepper.

Divide into two equal patties. Set aside.

Prepare your grill or skillet. When ready grill each side 2-4 minutes until is forms a nice light brown crust.When cooked. Let the patties rest for a couple minutes to let the juices redistribute.  Toast your bread, or bun and spread some mayo and/or mustard. Top with a couple slices of tomato and Voila.

Best enjoyed warm with a nice soda to wash it down.


Lana @ Never Enough Thyme said...

Looks good, Jenn. I make a great turkey burger similar to this. Much lighter feeling that a beef burger in the hot weather.

Tangled Noodle said...

Those sandwich thins are great! My husband doesn't it when his burger is all bun - they look like a good alternative. Speak of alts, I really should have ground chicken on hand to put as another grill option. I like the soy and green onion you put in yours. 8-)

Debbie said...

I have ground chicken in the freezer I have been meaning to use forever!! I am going to try these. Thanks for the recipe...I've never made a chicken burger!

Pam said...

I love those thins too! The chicken burger looks tasty.

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Looks good! I haven't made a chicken burger in forever... I think I'll have to make some! :)

Donna-FFW said...

MMM.. simplicity at its very best. Like the idea of using panko, and soy.

Sippity Sup said...

I had those thin bun things recently myself. Great "invention" don't ya think? GREG

sophia said...

Looks awesome. I'm glad you finally posted it! lol. I still have pictures from about 3 months back that I need to post...ack!

lisaiscooking said...

Chicken burgers are my favorite. Look great with the melted mozzarella!

Ameena said...

This looks really delicious...I remember eating chicken sandwiches like this all the time...obviously I don't anymore but I can still admire them from afar!

Anonymous said...

I love a good chicken burger.
I procrastinate all the time. i've got a particular recipe I meant to put up weeks ago, but just got so lazy.
*kisses* HH

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Yum! I'm always excited to try new burger recipes... This chicken burger sounds great! I have some beautiful tomatoes from our CSA and fresh mozzarella that would be perfect to top it, too... and perhaps a bit of my swiss chard pesto! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

teresa said...

what a great sandwich, the chicken looks so flavorful and moist.

i hope you're having a wonderful summer jenn!

teresa said...

what a great sandwich, the chicken looks so flavorful and moist.

i hope you're having a wonderful summer jenn!

OysterCulture said...

Sounds like a perfect yummy alternative to the hamburger. Looks yummy with the spring onions and soy!

Heather S-G said...

LOL, I do the same thing. I have about 13 things in draft mode this very moment...ugh. Your chicken burgers sounds great...and I love those little sandwich rounds!

chow and chatter said...

looks great and healthy have a wonderful week, talented Jenn

zerrin said...

This is a great easy and healthy sandwich. Bet mozeralla adds a wonderful flavor to this burger.

Phyllis said...

No, I'm a dork! I've had a blog draft sitting in my dashboard for over a month! But I have been dealing with technical difficulties - my internet connection has been temperamental during the heatwave. Now finally catching up on your blog :) The chicken burger looks delicious, perfect for summer. Love the idea of adding panko to it, definitely going to try that. I recently bought a package of those thin sandwich buns too - love that I don't feel too guilty afterwards!

Diana said...

I haven't had those Orowheat thins yet, but I keep hearing good things! Maybe I'll give 'em a whirl the next time I'm making a quinoa burger. ;)

Dinner at Six Thirty said...

I just bought a kilo of ground chicken. Maybe I'll try this recipe within the week. :)

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