Thursday, July 1, 2010

Route 66 Classic Grill

Now that the foodventure has finished, it's time I try to get back into the full swing of things. I've been cooking little things here and there. You'll see those recipes in the coming days. 

Recently, I traveled up to Santa Clarita to meet with a couple of friends to work on a little project. It was a nice summery day with a nice breeze. We finished up just around lunch. Perfect timing as we were starved. My drives up to a local joint.

Route 66 Classic Grill. From the look of the menu you can already the theme of the place. The decor has got a nice diner vibe and feel to it. I've always liked places this these. We get seated and glance around the menu for a minute or two before continuing with out conversations.

The waitress comes to take our order. I order the Chinese Chicken Salad. I could have gone with a nice burger, but something about the day just said to me...."salad." Ever get that feeling?

Served with a nice fluffy garlic breadstick. The salad wasn't the small dinky sized kind. It was pretty large actually. The dressing was on the side too, so i can mix up as little or as much as I can into it. I made it through 3/4 of it until I couldn't stuff another single pieces of lettuce into my mouth.

I'll have to go back again when I'm in the mood for a burger.

18730 Soledad Canyon Rd.
Canyon Country, CA 91351
(661) 298-1494


  1. Getting your kicks on Route 66 are you?!

  2. I do get craving for salad but my only problem is that in a few hours after consuming a salad I'm starving again! I think I need to put more protein in my salad. Maybe that will help.

  3. Nothing like a classic diner!
    Looks fantastic and sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  4. oh i bet the burger will be good looking forward to seeing your take on polenta have a fun weekend

  5. This looks excellent! I have been craving this salad...and taco salad!

  6. Classy! It's very fun to have treats especially when you're on a road trip. Now, I can't wait for our next trip next month!


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