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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tuna Salad Casserole

My apologies for the photos in this recipe. It was one of those "I'm uber hungry and don't feel like lugging out my camera to take a picture.  Can we eat now?" moment. On a whim I wanted to make tuna burgers, but no buns. Then in comes pasta to the rescue and it becomes a tuna salad. I later glance in the fridge and see some shredded mozzarella. The imaginary light bulb lights up and casserole comes to mind. and what you see is the result of that oddly "I can't think when I'm hungry" moment.

I served it wish a side of fresh slices of avocado.

Serves 2

Tuna Salad Casserole
1 can  tuna in oil or water - drained
1-2 c uncooked small penne or elbow
1 1/2 Tbsp mayo
1 Tbsp relish
1/3 cup pineapple tidbits - drained
Extra virgin olive oil
1/4 c Shredded mozzarella (plus extra for topping)
1/3 c panko crumbs

Cook the pasta according to the directions on the package. Note" to avoid the pasta from sticking drizzle a little olive oil before cooking and stir once. Also season the water with salt. Drain when cooked and let cool.

Preheat your oven to 350˚F

In a large bowl, mix together the tuna, mayo, relish, and pineapple. Then toss in the cooled pasta, panko crumbs and mozzarella. Toss together until fully mixed. Next place the mixture into a baking dish . Baked for 15-20 minutes. 5 minutes before removing from the oven, sprinkle more cheese on top.

Serve slightly warm.


Christo Gonzales said...

mmmmm......I havent had tuna casserole in such a long long time - this sounds os good Jenn

Ameena said...

I have never had a tuna casserole...I wonder if Maya and Ali would like this? It looks pretty fabulous to me!!

Anonymous said...

The tuna casserole sounds so yummy!

Anonymous said...

A great comforting dish, and I always have loads of tuna on hand, its a staple in my house.
*kisses* HH

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

I love dishes that "create themselves!" Looks delicious!

teresa said...

i love tuna casserole! i just had one of those moments where i just wanted to EAT, and not worry about pics, but i still think this looks awesome!

still so jealous that you got to hang out with dexter today, love him!

Heather S-G said...

Oh, pineapple! I like the sound of this casserole..look at that cheesy goodness ;) YUM!

Debbie said...

I love the ingredients in this. Especially the pineapple! It sounds delicious. Looks very good too!

Joie de vivre said...

Thank you, as always, for visiting. It is so wonderful to be back amongst such wonderful cooks and writers.

Pam said...

Adding the pineapple is such a great idea!

sophia said...

Well, how can you NOT be hungry when you've got that steaming bowl of oozing, broiled cheese all over? I've never had tuna casserole before though. Can you believe it?

Lana @ Never Enough Thyme said...

I know what you mean about not wanting to take time for photos when you're starving! Sometimes appetite wins out over art, doesn't it? Great creative recipe using what you had on hand, Jenn.

Kristen said...

looks yummy

Reeni said...

I haven't had tuna casserole in eons! Looks hearty and comforting.

OysterCulture said...

Have not had a tuna casserole in ages, and certainly not with pineapple - we just didn't do that in Minnesota (that I am aware of) we'll have to see about correcting that sad situation.

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