Wednesday, October 6, 2010

An odd week topped with a slushie

Last week, I was an odd week for me that left with with a dilemma. Some of you may have seen some of my tweets rambling about my computer problems. They were literally driving me crazy.'s because my old powerbook of 5/6 years is finally no more. It bit the dust last Tuesday to be exact. I've put it through so much yet it still looked pretty new. I knew it was just a matter of time before before it would die out. The hard drive was chugging along giving me a few more moments. Luckily, I had just backed up my files before it happened. It was a rough few days after. I couldn't read blogs, news, respond to certain emails properly. I couldn't prepare my blogs or do any writing/research for that matter. I was almost a sitting duck. I was going through computer withdrawal. Amazing how technology dependent we all have become. Just how when Facebook that a mini-"black out" yesterday and I felt my heart racing when I couldn't log in. Ha!

Now I'm back in business. I've got myself a new and I can get back into my work. Rightly so as all this had to happen as I was in the middle of a project. The worst timing ever, I tell ya.

Anyway...I recently entered myself in a mushroom recipe challenge with Marx Foods. I received 5  1/2oz samples of different dried mushrooms to come up with a recipe  using some or all of them. What did I come up with? Well, you'll just have to come back to find out. :) Oh, I love teasing you guys.

And I thought I'd share with you all a slushie. I had been craving for one for a couple weeks and I finally got one when I went to the movies over the weekend. My usual flavor is white cherry. Now I don't usually ask questions, but out of you like slushies? If so, what flavor?


  1. oh come on - tell us what you are making.

  2. Oh, your poor computer. I know that's going to happen to me soon, so I'd better get backing up (thanks for the reminder). Glad you're back up and running!
    ps. I'm not much of a slushie girl, but if I was, I'd say cherry!

  3. Sorry about your computer! Makes me worry about my desktop - it's going on five years and starting to 'chug a lug' - should get a new one before something happens...Glad you're back!

  4. I love slushies--any flavor! white cherry is interesting!

  5. Having computer issues drives me nuts! You are so lucky to get those tasty mushrooms - can't wait to see what recipes you come up with. The slushie sounds good, I haven't had one in a very long time.

  6. Was the movie a good one? That stinks about your computer but I'm glad you're back in business.

  7. congrats on receiving those amazing mushrooms! I don't really like slushies but my kids love 'em. They like rootbeer or cherry usually. :)

  8. Sorry to hear about your computer. NOt being able to access the internet drives me positively nutty!
    Can't wait to see what you do with the mushrooms daaahling!
    *kisses* HH

  9. I love the blue raspberry slushies! Oh computer frustrating!

  10. oH, can't wait to see wait you make! I'm glad you were able to get another computer so quickly! Yes, I like slushies every now and again. Cherry/Coke mix is my fave :)

  11. I adore slushies!! The gas station near my house has "Alligator Ice" and I live for the green "Swamp Water" flavor, lol.


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