Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Caprese Bake

Don't let this unassuming loaf fool you. Because there's some deliciousness inside. When I came home from watching Julie & Julia, I was feeling hungry. I had intended to make regular caprese sandwich, but I didn't have any bread left and I wasn't going to make any until the next day. I didn't want to go to the local bakery at that time as it was way too crowded of people who had just gotten off work. But I did remember that I had one last round of pizza dough left in the freezer. Sweet!!

I had some fresh mozzarella, one medium sized tomato and some fresh basil. Drizzled little olive oil and balsamic vinegar onto the dough, then layered the ingredients onto the rolled out pizza dough and wrapped it like the shape of a demi-baguette. The shape kind of reminds of those chicken bakes found at Costco. Have I mentioned that they have good cheap food? You don't need to be a member to buy from their food court. Hotdog and a drink all for 1-2 dollars. I do like their pizzas too. Oops...Got sidetracked there for a moment.

When you cut into it you get the gooey mozzarella goodness and the juices of the tomato oozing out. good, so good.

Serves 2.

Caprese Bake

1 pizza dough (homemade or store bought)
1 medium tomato (sliced)
6-8 oz fresh mozzarella (sliced)
1 c fresh basil leaves (washed)
balsamic vinegar
Olive Oil

Preheat your oven to 350˚F

On a floured surface, roll out your pizza dough in a large rectangle shape.

Layer the ingredients: basil, tomato, mozzarella

Fold the side of the dough over and gently press to seal all the edges.

Place on an ungreased baking sheet seam side down.

Baked for 25 min or until golden brown.


  1. Love this idea. These are things i always have lying around and now i can make something other than pizza with them.

  2. That looks so delicious....I am hoping to see Julie & Julia soon!

  3. Even if it was just the bread, I'd be hooked! Delicious!

  4. Oh my gosh...that looks freakin' amazing!!! Delicious :D

  5. This is what I'm going to use my tomatoes on!! Great idea :)

  6. Wow this came out gorgeous! Super easy too. Hubby will love it, thanks for the great recipe :)

  7. Mmm, simple and delicious. Love the textural contrast of the crust, the juicy tomatoes, and the gooey cheese.

  8. Ooh - this looks so delicious! Sounds perfect for the summer... You can't beat fresh tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella!

  9. This is such a great idea! I bet it was amazing:)

  10. This looks delicious! Love the combo of tomato n mozzarella!

  11. Brilliant! This looks amazing - will definitely be trying it soon.

  12. thats it! I am going to make the creative whiz banger award - this is such a cool idea and a nice twist on the calzone!

  13. That is a gorgeous thing! Love the melting cheese.

  14. Denise: ;-)

    HH: lol.

    Debbie: Go see it!!

    Kristen: ;-)

    girlichef, Andrea: Thanks.

    Tavolini: Cool.

    Phyllis: Your welcome.

    Leela: I do, too.

    Jen: Fresh ingredients beat them all.

    Nora: Thanks.

    Nutmeg: It is!

    Pooja, Pam, Alta: Thanks.

    Doggy: LOL. Thanks.

    Lisa: Melted cheese on anything thing is a winner to me.

  15. you're hitting all my weak spots this week - you're killing me softly =)

  16. What a fabulous meal! Great idea to use the frozen pizza dough. The bread and sandwich both look awesome.

    I enjoyed reading your Julie and Julia review. I'm dying to see the movie, but haven't had time yet.

  17. This looks absolutely wonderful. I'm hooked.

  18. Oh wow! This looks delicious. YUMMY

  19. Oyster Culture: ;-)

    Laurie: Thanks. Glad you enjoyed my review

    Mary: Woohoo!!

    She-Fit: Thanks.

  20. Yum! Looks hearty, yet light enough for summer. And of course, I love the gooey mozzarella!

  21. Hey, you got basil too! Cool...GREG

  22. Eating at Costco is fun. Not only do they have samples, but if you only have $2 or $3, you can eat a snack/meal big enough to keep you satisfied for hours. Great. They should sell these though. Caprese anything is good.

  23. This is so cool! I love all the yummy goodness hidden inside!

  24. I am in love with this!! I would love to try it with some roasted red peppers along with the mozzarella. Delicious!!

  25. Holy cow. That pic of the mozzarella oozing out? total FOOD PORN!

  26. Ref HH's comment:

    Give it to me X 2, LOL

  27. Man, that is one amazing supper! Such a fantastic, and tasty, idea!

    I have some awards waiting for you over at my blog :)

  28. wowowowowowowowow
    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! That looks amaaaaaaaazing!! Thanks!

  29. Valley: ;-)

    Greg: Yes, I've got another basil recipe coming soon.

    Duo: The free samples alone are always a meal.

    Ungourmet: Thanks.

    Donna: Yes. Red peppers definitely.

    BurpandSlurp: LOL

    Kenny: :-)

    Finsmom: Thanks A bunch. I appreciate it.

    Danielle: Your welcome.

  30. You can't go wrong with mozzarella, tomato and basil. Julie & Julia would make anyone hungry!

  31. I like this idea. It would make a great lunch for work.

  32. I love the Caprese combo in any preparation and the bake sounds just excellent! Great idea!

  33. Hummingbird: Yes, it would. It got me hungry. LOL.

    Diana: Definitely

    5 Star: Thanks.

  34. ooo gosh...the oozing cheese looks amazing! I want one!

  35. I have been wanting to make some stuffed dough for a long time, but never seem to get around to it! But that looks AMAZING... you have totally inspired me!

  36. Wow that looks so simple jenn! if only i had pizza dough i would have made this right now!

  37. pigpigscorner: You want one, I want one. LOL

    Teanna: Cool!!

    Parita: ;-)

  38. How yummy this is! I could go for a midnight snack - if I start now maybe it will be ready by then!

  39. This looks like heaven! I'm drooling!

  40. It cannot have effect in actual fact, that is exactly what I think.


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