Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cream of Broccorn soup

What is broccorn, you ask? Why it's non other than broccoli and corn. I felt soup was in order for an easy meal. It was hot that day, too. But if I want soup, I'm going to have soup, gosh darn it! Even though the weather may say otherwise. I'm meditating on fall right now. Chanting a mantra and spreading the fall vibe.

The last time I had such a soup was at Whole Foods from their prepared foods area. It was alright and I thought to myself maybe I can do better. This is a really easy and simple to make. Just remember to blow on it, if it's super hot. I got a little excited and I burnt my tongue upon first spoonful. Oh, how I've put my tastebuds through so much and yet, they've managed to recover every single time. But this soup is worth a slightly numbed tongue.

You may use chicken broth, if you'd prefer. I used vegetable broth for this soup. Add a dollop of sour cream and some shredded cheese with some crackers or bread on the side. Yum yum!

Serves 2-3

Cream of Broccorn Soup

1 head of broccoli - fresh or 1 small frozen pack
2 c corn kernels - fresh, canned or frozen
1 12 oz can vegetable broth
1 large garlic clove
1/2 medium onion - chopped
3/4 c evaporated milk

sour cream - optionals
shredded cheese - optional

Finely chop the broccoli into piece.

Saute the garlic and onion in a tiny drizzle of olive oil until the onions are translucent. Add in the vegetable stock, then the broccoli. Cover and bring the broth to a simmer on a medium heat. This will cook the broccoli.

Stir in the evaporated milk.

Using a blender, food processor or emersion blender and puree the broccoli.

Add in the corn and let it simmer for 5 more minutes on medium to low heat.

If you don't have a blender, food processor, or emersion blender, you can leave it as a chunky soup.

Add a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle some cheese. Serve warm.


  1. I love soups on any day, warm or cold.

  2. I think your soup is a wonderful idea and it looks delicious. It's been very warm here in Virginia too. It's supposed to cool down finally tomorrow, hopefully! (Love your swordfish too!).

  3. It's been getting cold in Turkey these days, so soup is a perfect idea for me. And broccoli soup is one of my favorite. I love to see those small green pieces in the soup. But I've never tried it with corn.So I must give this broccorn soup a try. Thanks.

  4. that's exactly how I come up with some of my recipes: I get something somewhere and say I bet I can do this better.
    And you did!!

  5. Wonderful flavors in that soup. I hope your tongue recovers quickly... GREG

  6. You come up with the greatest names. You had me quessing. How very tasty and creamy this looks. Love the unique combo.

  7. I love soup
    I love broccoli
    I love corn
    I'm starting to love fall... :o)
    This sounds perfect!

  8. Love the name of it. Can it and send it to Campbell's!

  9. Haha, that name is just too cute! I don't think I will ever have it cold though...I've just got the firm opinion that soup ought to be HOT!

  10. This soup sounds SOOO good!!! I love it!

  11. Broccorn - hilarious name and the soup sounds delicious but I'm actually eyeing that piece of bread in the photo!

  12. Wow! I would never think to put broc and corn together, but they are two of my fave veggies so I bet I'd be all over this soup! Sounds wonderful for our upcoming fall days! :)

  13. This really looks delicious and it's easy to do besides. Thanks. Have a great day.

  14. MMMMM!! I bet this is one the kids would adore, too! Sounds delish :)

  15. I love Broccoli and soups so this probably taste really really good!

  16. Love the name broccorn! The soup sounds very nice and warming!

  17. Hummingbird: Same here.

    Debbie: Thanks.

    Zerrin: Give it a try. It's really good.

    Dawn: I did do it! hehe...

    Greg: It has.

    Reeni: I love kooky names for dishes. hehe...

    Andrea: I love fall!!

    Parita: Thanks!

    Duo: I should, shouldn't I?

    burpandslurp: Some soups can be served cooled, too.

    Jenn: Thanks.

    Phyllis: lol.

    Diana: Yes, indeed.

    Mary: Thanks. Hope you had a great day, too.

    Girlichef: This is a great way to get kids to like veggies.

    Peachkins: It is.

    5 star: Thanks,

  18. I like the combination of corn and broccoli...yum!

  19. That sounds like a great combo. Definitely have to try this.

  20. Delicious soup... Great idea to combine broccoli and corn. Sounds like a perfect fall soup.

  21. this sounds so comforting and looks so creamy, perfect to get fall on it's way!

  22. We had some incredible yummy soups in Ireland and this one certainly reminds me of them - I love broccoli and broccorn is sure to please

  23. Oyster: I'd love to travel to Ireland.

  24. Thanks so much for the post, pretty helpful information.


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