Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fish+Linguini+Balsamic Browned Butter Sauce = Yum!

Yeah, the title would have been way longer that I have intended it to be. The original title was going to be: Pan-Fried Fish with Broccoli Linguini and a Balsamic Browned Butter Sauce. But I still ended up with a long title.

For the life of me, I totally forgot what kind of fish this was, as it was only labeled "seafood. " The vendor at Dry Dock Fish at my local farmer's market told me what it was, but then I spaced out right after because I was staring at a temptingly nice piece of ahi tuna, which I also got. You'll see what I made with that in the coming day or two. I know there was an "-er" at the end of it. Crap! I really need to pay better attention next time. Better yet, I'll have to write it down. But suffice to say, it's a white fish. So for this recipe you can use any white fish you prefer like cod or tilapia.

I did a simple pan-fry using some of that Emeril's Original seasoning I had gotten a few months back. I usually just season my fish with some salt, pepper and paprika. I served it with some steamed broccoli that I chopped up and tossed with some linguini in olive oil. For the sauce, I didn't want to overpower it with a tomato sauce. I really wanted something subtle.  I went to a browned butter sauce that I added some balsamic vinegar to.

I did killed two birds with one stone for this dish by boiled my pasta while steaming my broccoli over it. My steamer fit perfectly on top of my pot. I love when you can multi-task several pieces of cookware to minimize space and cleanup.

Took me 30 minutes to put the whole thing together.

Serves 2-3

Pan-Fried Fish with Broccoli Linguini and a Balsamic Browned Butter Sauce

2 large white fish fillets
Paprika or you own preferred seasonings
Olive oil
1/2 box linguini pasta
1 head of broccoli or 1/2 lb broccoli flourettes - chopped
1/2 c chopped fresh parsley

Balsamic Browned Butter Sauce
3-4 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

Steam the broccoli for 5-7 minutes until tender. A fork or knife should pierce through without hesitation.

In a pot of boiling water, cook the pasta until al dente. Roughly 8-10 min. Be sure to season the water with salt and add a little drizzle of olive oil and sitr once to keep the pasta from sticking.

While those cook, melt the butter into a sauce pan on medium to low heat. It should start to foam. Remove the foam and leave on the heat until the butter starts to lightly brown. Remove the butter from the heat and add the balsamic vinegar. This will stop it from browning further. Give it a good stir to blend it right before serving.

Drain the pasta and place into a bowl, add in the broccoli and parsley and toss together with a tiny drizzle of olive oil. Keep covered until ready to serve.

Season the fish fillet.

In a skillet, coat the bottom of the pan with oil and heat on a medium flame. Cook the fish for roughly 3-5 minutes on bothe sides depending on the thickness of the fillet.

Putting it together.
Plate some of the pasta and broccoli, then a nice piece of the fillet on top. Drizzle a generous serving of the browned butter sauce over the fish and pasta.


  1. Brown butter sauce sounds fabulous!

  2. I am not a big fish eater but this might just persuade me....

  3. This looks like such a delicious yet simple to make meal! Love the browned butter sauce.

  4. I love fish, and this looks wonderful. I think fish pairs so well with pasta, but I don't see people doing it a lot.

  5. Wow... tempting delight! Do check Dubai Palm islands tour in my World food treat blog..!

  6. Equals yum is right! This meal looks perfect, especially with the brown butter sauce.

  7. I've just started getting into browned butter, it's a good time. The dish looks great!

  8. The browned butter sounds amazing!Simple yet sooo delicious!

  9. Parita, Debbie: Thanks.

    Eatlive: It's pretty good.

    HH: Fish and pasta do go well together.

    Sanghi: Cool.

    Pam: I think the sauce makes it.

    Southern, pigpigscorner: Thanks.

    CC: :-D

    Bob: Same here.

  10. Oh wow. Never would've combined browned butter and fish, but that's an interesting flavor combo. Mmmm.

  11. Awesome time saver cooking your broccoli and your pasta together. I'll have to remember this tip!

    I had Balsamic last night too! Yum!

  12. Browned butter, broccoli, white fish. I want this for dinner, and I want dinner to start now!

  13. Duo: :-D

    Ungourmet: Yeah. It helps.

    Lisa: Hehe...

  14. love the addition of brown butter sauce jenn!! love this fish! yumm.. vud love to try with some steamed white rice :)

  15. I love fish! But it's been long since we had our last fish. We have to wait a bit more as they are fresh in winter.

    And never tried fish with pasta before. Sounds a great match!

  16. I love brown butter! I like that you paired the fish with pasta, my boyfriend would love this meal.

  17. This is downright GOURMET girlfriend! GREG

  18. Nora: I can't get enough fish!

    Zerrin: Don't worry soon. You'll be having fish again.

    Greg: LOL. Yes, it is.

    Andrea: Thanks.

  19. Mmm. I like the balsamic browned butter sauce with the white fish.

  20. Hummingbird: The sauce is really good.

  21. Sounds excellent! I love balsamic vinegar brown butter sauce - I usually make it to go with swordfish but also tried it with white fish & salmon as well.

  22. smart idea to steam and boil at the same time! This looks good--I like the combination of flavors.

  23. 5 Star: I have to try this with salmon.

    Tavolini: Thanks.

  24. You had me at Browned Butter! This sounds like the perfect meal (kinda looks like grouper?? Hard telling though...firm, white, LOL). I like browned butter w/ trout. I put some chopped pecans & sage in towards the end of browning...mmmmm!

  25. This sounds really delicious. I've never done brown butter (except accidentally?), so thanks for the instructions - with balsamic makes it really good.

  26. Girlichef: pecans, eh? I MUST try that.

    Diana: give it a try. Now you know how. ;-D

  27. wow that looks great! Makes me want to try it this week -thanks!

  28. This is so creative! I love it with the brown butter sauce. I bet it adds great flavor.

  29. Simply Life: You should. ;-D

    Reeni: It does. It's sooo good.

  30. This cannot have effect in actual fact, that's what I think.


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