Sunday, September 27, 2009

Production Catering on an Island

Ah yes, production catering. I love it. This week I worked on two shows and both sets had some really good and tasty food. I like to taste a little bit of everything that's being offered. So these were a hit with me or else I wouldn't have posted it. The first was Bones. That crime show on Fox starring David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel. I think we were shooting episode 7. Anyway...

The main plate

Let's start from the top, going clockwise: Steamed broccoli, pesto potatoes, soft white bread with butter, pasta with a type of marinara sauce, grilled steak, misc salad,  at the center is some kind grilled fish with a spicy mango-corn salsa.

There was also some carrots, but I wasn't in the mood for carrots. I like the steak. They grilled that one pretty good and tender. The fish could have been little better, but I think the salsa made up for that. The salad was just one of those "make your own" type. It was some lettuce with mushrooms and fried rice noodles with a little vinaigrette.

I really do want to try and make the spicy corn-mango salsa and pesto potatoes. OMG, those were awesome!!! I wish I had gotten more that just some scoop. I should have taken the whole bowl!

On my little dessert plate are some fruit and a really REALLY REALLY delicious raspberry crumb bars and a cake of some kind. I wish I had gotten two of the bars!! I was tempted to go back and get another.

The next show was Cold Case. I haven't really watched this show, so I can't really say who's in it or what the series is about. We shot scenes from episode 8. Here's what was served for lunch.

From the top, going clockwise: Deep Fried tofu, Spanish rice with pineapple and baby corn (I think), chicken fajita stir-fry, cold rice noodle with giner sauce and a beef skewer.

I loved rice noodle dish. It was really gingery, which I like. Yum. It's been while since I had tofu, so I was happy about that. I think tofu is underrated. I never really got why it gets such a bad rap. It's really good stuff. I think I'm going to try adding pineapple to my fried rice next time I make it. It was actually a pretty good combination.

The other day, I went and ordered take-out from Island's. *Gasp* What?! I had a gift card, so it was like getting free food. Besides I like Island's. They have some pretty good sandwiches and burgers. Not sure if it's only found here on the west coast, but it's like a "beach" themed restaurant that serves the usual American fare. My best friend and godson came to visit, so instead of eating at the restaurant, we decided to get take-out. Besides, the little one tends to get a bit fussy in loud crowded places. We went during the dinner rush. We ordered and took it back to my house and chowed down while the little one, who has just begun to walk, investigated the vast space of my house. He's really the inquisitive type. It looked like a hurricane blew through my bedroom. haha...

My friend ordered the Hawaiian burger, which had a well done burger patty with pineapple, teriyaki sauce, lettuce, onion, swiss and mayo on a wheat bun. Some cheesy, pineapple goodness going on in that one.

I ordered the Sandpiper, which was grilled chicken breast with sauteed mushrooms, lettuce, tomato, swiss and mayo. I devoured that thing. I think it was because I was really hungry. I really liked the mushrooms in this one.

Both ordered came with a handful of fries and some ketchup packets, but we also ordered a side of cheddar fries with bacon bits. Yum!! Cheese and bacon. You can't resist that.

It may not look pretty, but it was some good food. Besides, I was glad to not cook as much this week and being able to spend time with my godson was the icing on top of the cupcake.


  1. You are so lucky my dear..everything looks delicious!!!

  2. Oooh, look at all that yummy food. You have the coolest job :)

  3. Congrats! What an amazing career. I am so happy for you!!!

    This food looks incredible!!!

  4. The burger and fries look AMAZING!

  5. All the food looks delicious! Makes me hungry... You have a cool job! :)

  6. Oh wow. That all looks great, but that Hawaiian burger looks wicked good! And the fries. Heh.

  7. It all looks fabulous. I have a real weakness for good hamburgers, but I've never been able to get my arms around pineapple on a burger or pizza. Cheese fries are another story. If the hips could handle them, I'd eat them every day.

  8. pleased to see you are eating well, so you can make good shows for us to watch!!!

  9. Parita, HH, Miranda, sasha, Andrea, : Thanks.

    Bob: The burger was pretty good. i had myself a little taste.

    Mary: lol.

    CC: ;-D

  10. How great that you got to cater for Bones and Cold Case. My boss works on the show Private Practice so if you ever cater for them let me know:)

    Those cheese fries with bacon look freaking awesome I want some!!!

  11. Nutmeg: I wish I did the caatering, but sadly no. I just eat the food they feed us. I work on the actual show production as an actor.

  12. I havent seen the shows but I like your choices - I love it when I see a nice picture!

  13. Cheddar fries with bacon bits..? man, i'm drooling...yummy! ...and I love Bones..LOL!

  14. Weirdly, as a "celeb" photographer I shot both of your co-stars at my house. If you can, ask then if they remember me (Greg Henry via Annett Wolf). I live in a big, old, terracotta colored house in the Hollywood Hills, near the Cahuenga Pass. They might remember the house more than they remember me! I have shot Emily's sis too. In fact it was Z who recommended me to E!

  15. Wow such lovely perks to what sounds like a most fabulous job!

  16. What delicious eats! Those fries - yum!! You have the coolest job!!

  17. Yum... all of this food is making me hungry at 11pm! Your job rocks!

  18. Hee hee hee, Jenn, I love looking at what you eat too! Those are pretty good eats for a cater!

    p.s. What do you do again for a career? I was under the impression that you work with computers and graphic stuff? Was I dreaming?

  19. doggy: it was some good stuff.

    LK: Me, too.

    Raquel: hehe...

    Greg: Cool. I'll ask them when I next work the show. ;-D

    Donna, Sanghi, Reeni: Thanks.

    Jen: hehe...Thanks.

    burpandslurp: I think it was a dream. hehe... I work in the entertainment biz in film and television.

  20. mmmm...everything looks good to me! We actually make pesto potatoes at ND, too...and they are delish!! That hawaiian burgers got my tummy growling. And YES, you DO have the coolest job :D

  21. What a neat job you have! And they definitely feed you well during production! spicy corn-mango salsa and pesto potatoes sound amazing!

  22. that is all such good eatin! how fun!

  23. Girlichef: I'm definitely going to try the pesto potatoes.

    5 Star, Teresa: Thanks.

  24. Wow, you get some great food on set! Lots of options of good stuff.

  25. I'd work on a show to get a little bit of that! I'd work on a show for other reasons, but the food isn't too bad, huh? Haha!

  26. Lisa: Thanks.

    Teanna: Sometimes the food makes it worth it.

  27. I was just in LA last week and I thought of you! :-D I saw a bunch of Island chains, but didn't manage to eat there. We don't have them out East, so maybe I should have. Oh well - next time!

  28. ValleyWriter: They have some pretty good food. Definitely give nit a try when you come back.

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