Friday, October 16, 2009

Spinach-Ginger Soup

Yes, we've had some good weather here in LA recently. I was finally able to wear my favorite sweater and hoodie for the first time. Oh how I missed snuggling up in there, keeping me nice and cozy. The only down side it that I wasn't feeling my usual self to actually enjoy it. Grr... So to perk up my spirits, I decided to make some soup.

Spinach and ginger to be exact. And my mood lifted a little brighter afer having this. I still wasn't feeling to well, but I was on the road to recovery. I pureed haf the soup to have it smooth and chunky. Serve with some toast or crackers. Snuggle up in a blanky ot not and enjoy the lovely gingery flavor. Look at that luscious green soup with a generous sprinkle of shredded mozzarella and slices of avocado. How could this not perk up your spirits?

Serves 2-3

Spinach-Ginger Soup

1lb spinach - fresh or frozen
1 12oz can vegetable stock
2 tbsp ginger - minced
2 green onion - finely chopped
1 large garlic clove - finely chopped
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 tbsp olive oil
1/8 c evaporated milk

On medium to low heat, saute the garlic in the olive oil for 30 seconds then add the ginger and green onions. roughly 1-2 minutes.

Add the chicken stock and and stir to combine.

Add the spinach, bring the soup to a simmer until the spinach has wilted. Stori well to combine.

Then puree half the soup using a blender, food process, or hand blender. Or just leave it as a chunky soup. Serve warm.


  1. Great combination of flavor! I'll be making this! :)

  2. I bet the ginger gives it a really nice kick. Have a fantastic weekend :D

  3. This soup looks delicious - nice idea to combine spinach with ginger. Cold, rainy weather has settled on us in nyc, so it's a perfect time for soup. Thanks for this great recipe!

  4. Good idea! Sounds very healthy and tasty, too. I could use a nice bowl of soup and a hoodie :)

  5. Chilly in LA, so... 70? ;)

    It's in the 40s here right now, I'd love some of that soup. It looks wicked good.

  6. I've never had a soup like this before - it looks really delicious, healthy and comforting.

  7. this is something I could use right now - it might make my cold go away.

  8. What an interesting combination of spinach and ginger! Sounds delicious and especially with the addition of avocado!

  9. yum, I feel healthier just looking at the recipe.

  10. sorry, I'm anonymous - have twitchy fingers today. it looks delish

  11. Andrea: ;-D

    HH: It does.

    Nancy: This is perfect for those cold days, indeed.

    TavoLini: I agree.

    Bob: Yeah, we've been fortunate to have a little bit of great weather.

    Pam: Give it a try.

    doggy: aww...feel better soon!

    5 Star: Thanks.

  12. oh i'm so sorry that you're not feeling well, but this really looks like the perfect antidote! delicious!

  13. What a great looking and sounding soup. Perfect for this weather and if you are not feeling 100%. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. Ginger with spinach sounds great, and I love the mozzarella on top!

  15. This soup definitely looks like a great perker upper! :D

  16. Great combination! I

  17. Jhonny, Mardi, Lisa: thanks

    Teresa: I'm much better now.

    Ungourmet: it is.

    Hummingbird: thanks.


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