Friday, October 30, 2009

Walnut Salad with Miso Vinaigrette

I was in the mood for a salad. Remember a several weeks back when I mention that I had a really awesome walnut salad on the set of The Closer (here)? It's been on my mind ever since. So I made my self my own version of a walnut salad and paired it with a miso vinaigrette.

Yes, miso. It's a soy bean paste, which is the base of one of the most delicious soups that's usually served as a starter at Japanese restaurants. The paste can be found on many major groceries now-a-days, in the fridge section or Asian aisle.

The salad is very simple. Just some fresh arugula, chopped tomato, cucumber, shredded cheese. and we can't forget the star of the salad, walnuts. You can add any other ingredient you want like celery or edamame. I love this vinaigrette, too. I loved it so much I made it again to go with some leftover arugula I had in the fridge. It's that good.

Serve 2-3

Walnut Salad

1 lb Arugula - rinsed and drained
1/2 c walnuts
1 small cucumber - sliced
1 medium ripe tomato -chopped
1 ripe avocado - sliced
1/2 medium onion -chopped
miso vinaigrette (recipe below)

edamame, carrots, cabbage, celery, fruits

Toss the salad ingredients together and drizzle some of the miso vinaigrette over. 

Miso Vinaigrette
2 tsp white miso paste
1 1/2 tsp rice wine vinegar
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 tsp sesame seeds
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
juice of half lemon

Combine all ingredients together until smooth.


  1. The miso vinaigrette sounds interesting...

  2. Salad looks delicious and quite fulfilling with all those veggies :-)

  3. Looks fab. I wish i had cravings for salads, unfortunately for me i usually crave cakes :P. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I am craving a salad SO BADLY and I have all of these ingredients! Guess I know what I am making for lunch!

  5. Miso is one of those ingredients I keep meaning to try but just never get around to. Grumble. But your salad look fantastic, I'm intrigued by the vinaigrette.

  6. love miso vinaigrette! where do you find time to keep cooking? Amazing!

  7. Awesome salad! I love anything with arugula and walnuts. And the dressing is great, too! It's time to switch up my dressing a bit... :)

  8. Hi, I am a new email subscriber. When your email comes to me the pictures are under the words and I can not read the words. Is this my computer or just the way you send it? When I come here the pics are in a different set-up and I can read them easily. I am enjoying your recipes.........Thanks for help!

  9. Peachkins: Give it a try.

    Parita: Thanks.

    HH: Sweets usually outweigh my cravings for salads.

    Teanna: W00T!

    Bob: You should definitely try it.

    Dawn: I just do. ;-D

    Andrea: Yeah. Jazz it up a bit.

    Katklaw: Thanks. I have it emailed to me as well and it looks perfectly normal like you'd see on the site. I think it has to be your computer. Thanks again for subscribing.

  10. Great miso vinaigrette recipe! I always keep some handy (although the one currently in the fridge is 'red' miso). Since we have salad nearly every night, I should multiply the recipe so that I can keep a bottle/jar of it ready to go. You come up with some awesome stuff!

  11. Great textures and wonderful flavours! The miso vinaigrette sounds raelly good!

  12. Miso vinaigrette sounds fantastic!

  13. I totally am going to need to try that miso vinaigrette! Whole Foods salad bar has an amazing miso shallot dressing that I want to drink. Someday I'm going to need to find out what the heck they put in it! (aside from shallots and miso) ;)

  14. I love all the ingredients that you have used here. Ergo, I will love your salad. Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. This is a salivating salad. The combination. Just awesome. Nust and greens...oh my :)

  16. Sounds absolutely awesome. You had me very hungry after describing the salad the first time. Can't wait to sink my teeth into a tasty bite!

  17. I think my tounge just drowned because this looks mouthwatering.

  18. lovely salad and a delicious dressing, i ove all the ingredients, photos are great, nicely done! cheers from london

  19. This looks like an awesome salad. I like all the flavors and textures you incorporated. :)

  20. Tangled: THe red kind would word with this, too.

    pigpig, 5 star, Mary: Thanks.

    Diana: I like the whole foods dressing, too.

    Jhonny: ;-D

    Oyster: You can't get enough after the first time.

    Rylan: lol. Save it from drowning by having this salad. STAT.

    Pity: Thanks for stopping by.

    Fresh: Thanks.

  21. Mmmmm I love the crunchiness of this salad. How always :)

  22. Your salad looks fantastic. I love miso dressing!

    Happy Halloween!

  23. I was actually craving salad yesterday and today! This looks really good - love crunchy walnuts in it. And you reminded me I have two avocados hiding out somewhere.

  24. thanks Jenn I have white miso in the fridge cool I can make this love it

  25. Nutmeg: Thanks.

    LL: Happy Halloween to you too.

    Reeni: You gotta use them before they go bad.

    CC: Thanks.

  26. I haven't had a good salad in a long time! I love Miso. I bet the vinaigrette is so fabulous! :D

  27. Wow! Walnuts with miso...what a terrific combination! You make the simplest thing sound so DIVINE...that's a true art!

  28. Great salad. I love those Asian flavours.

  29. Looks like a delicious salad. I haven't made much with miso yet, although I do love the flavor. I will have to pick some up and play around with it!

  30. This salad was delicious :) I actually substituted the walnuts for pecans and it was really good!


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