Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cream Cheese Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Chicken

I had one lone chicken breast left in the freezer. The poor thing has been waiting for me to gobble it up for a while. Next to him, I didn't realize that I had a couple of bacon slices left. What the...? I thought I had used all my bacon already. How can that be? I stuffed bacon into the chicken, so why not wrap it around this time. I had an idea to stuff the chicken with a cream cheese mixture. So I prepped that. A simple filling of cream cheese, sweet onion and garlic powder.  Rolled the chicken as tight as I could without having the filling ooze out, then wrapped it with a couple slices of bacon. I then baked it in a 375˚F oven.

Then my smoke alarm decided to wig out and scare the crap out of me. When there's no remote sign of smoke or the smell it. My windows are open to let the heat out and it's pretty chilly in my place, so I can't find a reason why it would do that. I was baffled. I swear once in a while that thing has a mind of its own. Or it's telling me that it want a piece of my chicken. I say, "No chicken for you!!"

I also made a white wine sauce as well with a side serving of some oven-steamed mixed veggies. It's the frozen kind from the grocery. Nothing special about those. I considered it a lazy Sunday and I didn't feel like chopping anything. I have to cut some corners sometimes. Anyway, the chicken was juicy and tender. The bacon with a slight crisp. It definitely adds to the flavor of the dish. It was awesomeness!!

Serves 1-2

Cream Cheese Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Chicken

1 large chicken breast
2-3 sliced of bacon
2 Tbsp Cream Cheese
1/4 c sweet onion - chopped
1 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper
parchment paper
tooth picks
white wine sauce (recipe below) - optional

Preheat your oven to 375˚F

In a small bowl, mix together the cream cheese, onion, garlic power. Set aside

Butterfly the chicken breast. Place it in between two pieces of parchment paper and pound it lightly to flatten to 1/2-inch thickness. Season with a little salt and pepper.

Then spread the cream cheese mixture evenly over the chicken and roll it up. Next wrap it with two or three slices of bacon strips. Pierce it with a tooth pick to keep it together. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes or until juices run clear. Drizzle some of the white wine sauce on top and enjoy.

To get the bacon a little more crispy, place it in the broil for 5 minutes after baking.

White Wine Sauce

1/2 c white wine
1 tsp rice wine vinegar
1 tsp unsalted butter
1 large garlic clove
1 Tbsp fresh parsley - chopped

In a sauce pan on medium heat, melt the butter and saute the garlic for 30 seconds, Add the white wine and bring it to a slight boil and the wine reduces slightly. Once boiling, lower the heat and add the rice wine vinegar and fresh parsley. Bring to a simmer for 2-3 minutes, then serve.


  1. I know this has to be good. I have a recipe that is somewhat similar with cream cheese that i use a lot, and its one of my favourites. Check it out:

  2. I said Holy Crap out loud after reading the title alone. Incredible, I know I would love this, and the sauce just an added bonus. Perfection, Jenn!!!!

  3. Creative freezer cooking - I love it. This looks delicious, and there's nothing better than moist chicken, which this must be!

  4. Yum - I LOVE bacon wrapped chicken. I just made some with brie in side, but the brie kind of melted out by the time it was done. Looks like cream cheese works better - I'll have to try it.

  5. Wow! What an awesome idea! I need you to come over and look in my fridge with me. I need inspiration! :D

  6. That looks just "over the top" good! I would love that for dinner tonight. I have some chicken breasts in the freezer and think I will have to try this soon. Man, that bacon looks so good too!

  7. As if the cream cheese stuffing wasn't already good enough, you went and wrapped the whole thing in bacon, girl! This is indeed awesomeness.

  8. Cream cheese AND bacon?? Awesome, Jenn! Love it :)

  9. How can cream cheese and bacon not be a hit. I am now starving and only bacon will solve the problem.

  10. HH: neat-o

    Donna,Dawn: lol.

    Timeless: I agree.

    Valley: I've to try it with brie.

    Ungourmet: sure. :-)

    Debbie: you should.

    Leela, TavoLini: Thanks

    Mary: hehe...

  11. What a great combination! A perfect little dinner for one!

  12. Looks & sounds amazing! I hate it when the smoke alarm goes off...

  13. bacon adn cream cheese! holy moly! i love it!

  14. Look at that cream cheese stuffing! Delicious. My smoke alarm is constantly going off when I sear or fry or even when the oven is really hot to bake bread. It's so loud and annoying!

  15. Delicious! Pretty much the combination of cream cheese and bacon is one of the best I have heard. I could really use this right now..... :)

  16. I knew it - my stomach is rumbling!! How were you satsified with just one? I would've gone out and bought more chicken, bacon and cream cheese!

    And really, a white wine-butter sauce is MANDATORY!

  17. Yum, this looks so good! My smoke alarm is wonky like that, lol.

  18. Mardi, andrea: thanks.

    Teresa, nutmeg: :)

    Lisa: sometimes I just want to rip the thing out the wall.

    Tangled: hehe...

    Girlichef: those things are annoying.

  19. The cream cheese in the middle sounds so delicious! I love how you wrapped it in the bacon. YUMMMM!!

  20. oh wow this looks to diet for great snaps too thanks for reading my travel posts Rebecca

  21. wow that cheese stuffing looks so good!

  22. Reeni: Wrapping anything in bacon is always fun.

    CC: I loved reading about your trip.

    MrsLavendula: Thanks.

  23. Wow - you've outdone yourself on this one. I love stuffed chicken, and wrapped in bacon? You can't go wrong with that.

  24. OMG. I've been on such a cream cheese kick lately, it's ridiculous. Also - where's your cornbread recipe? I have to make that next with another recipe for chili (I was thinking a white chicken chili...)...

  25. Jen. hehe...Thanks.

    Patty: Don't worry the cornbread is coming soon.

  26. Oooh, yeah! That's good right there. Bacon, cream cheese, more bacon!


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