Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Dimsum of A Time

Ah, the ladies pushing those carts full of delicious morsels up and down, left and right of the restaurant. That's how I spent my a Sunday morning with one of closest friends. Dimsum was the word. It's been way too long wince the two of us had some dimsum, plus I've been craving for it for the past couple of months now. We decided to stay a bit local and ventured into Chinatown near Downtown Los Angeles.

Our choice was Empress Pavillion on Hill street, right off the 110 Freeway. The place was packed, but that was expected. Luckily, the wait wasn't too long. We had spent the time chatting it up and catching up on the time since we last saw each other. Our number was called and we were escorted to a table. We ask for some hot tea and begin the feasting. As the carts move, we glance at our choices. The down-side to eating dimsum is that there's so much to choose from that you just can't eat them all.

Shu Mai & Potstickers

Sticky Rice in Lotus Leaf


Inside Sticky Rice in Lotus Leaf
(sticky rice with shrimp and mushrooms)

Shrimp Eggrolls with Sweet and Sour Sauce (sorry for the blurry pic)

 Baked BBQ Pork Buns
(I wanted the steamed pork buns, but the lady with that cart never came by)

Calamari with Seasoned batter
(I was eagerly waiting for the lady with this cart to stop by. Took a while,
but I was determined to get it.)

For dessert: Left is Almond Jelly. Right is Mango custard
I actually like the mango better.

It was filling, but so delicious. Took the leftovers home and ate it another day. We probably spent a good 2 hours just enjoying our meal. It was a Sunday well spent.


  1. Dim Sum is my utter favourite.... I love the har gau and the cheung fun....I am now going to have to go and get some on Sunday!!!

  2. Can you believe i have never had dim sum? I must do it some time. This food looks so fun :D

  3. Glad you got to spend such a nice time with your friend. I love dim sum but haven't had it in a long time. I love, love, love the sticky rice.

  4. I've never had dim sum, but it looks realy good!

  5. I love love love dim sum! The entire concept of food being offered, picking and choosing from cart is simultaneously wonderful and dangerous, because I want it all! It looks like you had a fab experience!

  6. These pictures look delicious! I've never had or heard of dim sum, but is looks really good!

  7. Dim Sum is indeed a happy time! GREG

  8. Love dim sum, and this looks like a tasty bunch!

  9. Wow, all the food looks really scrumptious.
    I'm putting 'dim sum' on my "To Eat" list ; )

  10. I love when you do posts like these. I wanted to see the inside of that pork bun though LOL

  11. Everything looks so awesome!!! YUM :D

  12. I am so happy to see this post! I ate there years ago and have been meaning to take my family back there.

    Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  13. Pass the potstickers. Umm, I mean like now.

  14. Looks marvelous. I've only had dim sum once, but those bbq pork buns were my favorite.

  15. what a great way to spend a sunday! i love dimsum =)

  16. Sounds like you had a wonderful time here!

  17. Omigod I am so jealous. You can't get good dim sum on the east coast. Literally drooling right now :)

  18. Lovely, if I can eat dim sum everyday, I'd be the happiest person on earth.


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