Thursday, December 10, 2009

Duck Puff??

I don't know what to call this. Maybe you, my loyal readers, may have an idea. A few weeks ago, I had gotten couple coupons from Pepperidge Farm for their frozen puff pastry products. Since discovering these in my local grovery earlier this year  I try to find any excuse to buy a box. So, when Foodbuzz offered its featured publishers to opt-in for a couple of coupons, I quickly signed up. A special thank you for them today. Sure enough, the coupons arrived in the mail in time for Thanksgiving. And as luck would have it, I took the last two boxes from the freezer section at my local grocery when I went ingredient shopping for Thanksgiving.

I knew I wouldn't be able to use them until after the holiday, but that still had my brain whirling with what I can make with them. I used some of the leftover duck as well as the onions i had stuffed in the cavity.  I par baked one sheet, then placed the topping over with some shredded cheese and fresh tomato. It looked like a puff pizza but then I topped with with a second sheet of puff pastry and out came this monster.

You can have this with some gravy or cranberry sauce. If you're like me and can't decide on which to choose. Why not have both, right?

Duck Puff?
1 1/2 c shredded cooked duck
1/2 medium sweet onion - sliced
1 c shredded cheese - your choice (plus extra for topping)
1 ripe tomato - deseeded and diced
2 puff pastry sheets

Preheat your oven 400˚F

Take one sheet of pastry puff and lightly score a square creating a border. Place it on a parchment lined baking sheet and baked for 15 minutes.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and then sprinkl the shredded cheese over the followed by the duck, then the diced tomato. Place the other puff pastry on top and gently press to attach the

cut a few slahes on top to help release the steam inside. Bake for 20-30 minutes. Five minutes before removing from the oven, sprinkle some more shredded cheese on top.


  1. LOL, you know what you should call it? Something french, that always makes it seem fancier than it is. Puff de Canard or something like that LOL. Isnt puff pastry divine? I love it.

  2. Whatever it's called, it looks great! Both for me too!

  3. Oh - I like Heavenly's idea - Puff de Canard. The funny part is that top edge kind of flared out like duck beak. Too cute! :-D

  4. Puff is exactly what it is called back in India. This looks heavenly :)

  5. What a fun and creative recipe. I love puffed pastry!

  6. This looks great! You're so creative! I love puff pastry - and anything with cheese!

  7. I think duck puff is a great name. Course it sounds kind of dirty...

  8. I think Duck Puff fits it perfectly....looks delicious!

  9. Two versions of something with no name! GREG

  10. I have done this same thing...made a creation and then had no idea what to call it!

    This looks so amazing! I love those pastries! Great photo!

  11. I love the name duck's so cute! This sounds great too. I'm a fan of pretty much anything that has duck in it...yum!

  12. i really love the title! it had me running over here. this looks wonderful. i'm a food buzz publisher, but i've never figured out how to get in on the samples. any tips?

  13. Teresa: Usually they'll send an email to Opt-In for a certain product. It's always on a "first come, first serve" and "while supplies last" basis. You have to respond right away for you chances at getting picked.

  14. This really looks wonderful and such a clever idea. I vote for puff de canard.

  15. You could call it "the Donald" like Donald Duck?

    I sort of like Duck Puff though. :)

  16. Duck puff,Puff de Canard or the Donald it really looks delicious.

  17. ha! Duck puff works nicely. Someone said puff de canard, which has a nice ring to it. Looks super good.

  18. Nice! I love it with the sides. Both of them! And what do you means couponS?? I only got coupoN!! :)

  19. Girlchef: There were stuck together in the envelope they send me. It was probably a mistake.

  20. there is something about that title that sounds kind of porno - maybe its just me and I am the only one with my head in the gutter- I love the looks of this dish though!

  21. and to girli and jenn - coupons - coupon - I didnt get ANY!

  22. What a great idea! A duck stuffed puff! I love it. I bet it was delicious!

  23. Naaa ... I got nothing clever as a new name for this dish. All I know is that it would taste super-yummmmmm!

  24. Loyal reader that I am can offer no better suggestion that duck puff, looks just dang tasty to me!

  25. My vote is for Puff de Canard. But my favorite thing about this recipe is the way the corners of the puff pastry are puffed out to look like a duck bill. That takes the cake!

  26. I love your puff pastry creation, so delicious with duck, always my favorite!

  27. A duck pie wrapped in light and flaky puff pastry with cranberry sauce sounds so good!


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