Friday, February 12, 2010

POM Syrup

If you remember last year, I had received a case of POM juice from the awesome folks at POM Wonderful. (here) I was contacted again recently by Ryan who had offered to send me another case of POM. You kidding me?! How could I refuse that? POM Wonderful is not just a juice you can drink, but you can also cook and bake with it too. It's also full of anti-oxidants and is healthy for you. I can't tell you how much I love this stuff. It really is the natural juice of the pomegranate fruit. Especially with Valentine's just around the corner, the heart matters on that day as well as love.
So I decide to make some syrup. I did buy some ice cream, so it felt just right. I made two batches. The first one I overcooked and burnt the sugar within as the mixture ended up becoming more candied-like rather than the smooth texture I wanted. This is definitely one of those recipes you sort of need to keep an eye out for. I was bummed that I wasted one bottle, but I was determined to make my syrup. The second time around I made sure to keep close watch. And I'm glad to say the second batch was a success. I drizzled a good helping of it over some vanilla ice cream. It's also good on pancakes, waffles, muffins, most baked goods. Forget store bought syrup. This is it!

Makes roughly 2 cups.

POM Syrup

8 oz POM juice
1 1/2 c granulated sugar

On medium to low heat in a saucepan, combine the POM juice and sugar. Cook until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture has reduced slightly (about 1/4 to 1/3). Remove from heat and let it cool before transferring into a sealed container.

Keep in the fridge. (It will not harden)

Goes great with ice cream, baked goods, pancakes, waffles, muffins, etc.


  1. This one looks delicious! I like to try it! The syrup really looks so yummy!

  2. oh wow this looks yummy have a great valentines weekend

  3. Wow...that looks delicious! Great idea!

  4. This looks so good with the ice cream, and I bet it's fantastic with waffles or pancakes! Great idea.

  5. What a fantastic idea! I love the last shot.

  6. Looks so yummy! And can you beat that cute POM bottle?! (No!)

  7. Delish! We dont have this product in the UK, but i wonder if its similar to pomegranet molasses (a middle eastern ingredient).

  8. oh i bet this is so good on that cold ice cream! great idea!

  9. Pom syrup sounds excellent over ice cream! Love it!

  10. POM is in the UK! Find out where here:


  11. Jenn

    This syrup would really make itself handy in so many desserts! If you get a second can you shoot me an email Greg at

  12. You lucky girl! Great use of pom juice!

  13. Yummm. I could go for about 2 pints of the ice cream and POM syrup!

  14. And if you put pom syrup on the ice cream it immediately turns it into a healthy dessert! Right? ;)

  15. wow I'm impressed! what a creative use!

  16. Mmmm this looks awesome! I would have never thought to combine ice cream and POM. Now if only they would contact me too...haha

  17. That looks incredible Jenn! I would love some over pancakes.

  18. You lucky duck, I love POM. This syrup is an awesome idea!

  19. Hey, they didn't offer me any more! Heh. The syrup looks great, I wish I had thought of that while I had some.

  20. Sounds like a mighty delectable syrup.. so delicious, perfect for Valentines Day.. ummm in more ways than one!

  21. Oooh very cool! With the tangy and the sweet...perfect combination!

  22. Great use for POM juice, Jenn. It really does have such a great flavor.

  23. Another case of POM? You're quite lucky... This looks wonderful.

  24. Yum, this syrup looks like it's the absolute perfect consistency! Good job! And nice in-action pouring shot, haha.

  25. i am all over this. pomegranate anything screams my name. This weekend at Scoops they had "pomegranate poppyseed" as a flavor. it was AMAZING.

  26. The POM syrup adds the delicious looks of any ice cream or even in pancakes and waffles. It's really delicious. Try it!


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