Friday, April 23, 2010

I want an okonomiyaki

I'm happy to say that a little under a month from now I'll be traveling to the Philippines for two weeks in May. I'm really excited as I'll get to see my family and eat some really awesome eats. Which would mean a food adventure waiting to happen. Street foods, home-cooked meals, restaurants, eateries. I can't wait to share it with you all.

With my endless fascination with Japanese cuisine here's a little something I really really really really want to try and make. Okonomiyaki!! Japanese pancake. The video below is the same people who made that bento tutorial I posted a couple weeks ago. I love the fact that there's a poodle sitting there.
It looks so good. I remember the Osaka episode of No Reservations where Anthony Bourdain had a feeding fest with a banzai duo. This was one of the things he had eaten. Its just too tempting no to give it a try. I'm trying to find a decent place in LA that serves this.


  1. cooking with dog - LOL I want these now too!

  2. I've seen these on other peoples blogs, I think they look delicious.
    How exciting for you that your are going to the Philippines! I cant wait to read about your adventures!
    *kisses* HH

  3. I wish there were an okonomiyaki place in Austin! But, no. I need to try making them myself!

  4. that kevin from closet cooking got me hooked on okonomiyaki.
    you better give us LOTS of photos of the street food. OK?

  5. I love Okonomiyaki and they are not too hard to make at home if can find all of the proper toppings. Your upcoming trip sounds super exciting!

  6. I'm so envious! I was supposed to go to Boracay last year for my husband's cousin's wedding but we weren't able to make it. I'm hoping to make it out there soon though.

  7. I haven't had okonomiyaki in a really long time. That video is making me so hungry! Did you see that grated mountain yam used in the dough? - super stretchy!
    ps. so cool you are heading to the Phillipines for some good eats and family time. Really excited for you :)

  8. I want it too! I've never had it before but it looks great.

    Have fun on your trip to the Philippines! Looking forward to seeing pictures.

  9. oh so excited that your going home maybe you can meet Peachkins as well oh any pancake is good in my books

  10. How delicious! I'm excited for you and your trip!

  11. Congrats on the upcoming trip - that has to be so exciting - I cannot wait to read about all the details!

    What an inspiration with the okonomiyaki looks delicious!


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