Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Marinated Broiled Tofu Sandwich

Here's that other tofu recipe I mentioned a few days ago when I posted that Pan-Fried Tofu. The longer title of this would be Marinated Broiled Tofu Sandwich with caramelized onions and mushrooms on sourdough. Way too long to put on the title line. I had a couple pieces of tofu blocks that I had marinated in the Filipino BBQ sauce left and this time around I decided to broil them. Giving them a nice crisp crust and soft inside. I served this along some caramelized onions and I sauteed with some chopped white onion then added some shredded cheese and a dash of hot sauce into the mix.  You hungry yet?

Then on the bread I spread a really tin layer of dijon mustard to give it that nice little tang. Pressed it with ol' Georgie and what you got here is one really good sandwich. You wouldn't really think that you'd be eating tofu, if you ate this.

Makes 2 sandwiches

Marinated Broiled Tofu Sandwich

1 14 oz package firm or extra firm tofu - water drained
4 slices of bread or 2 sandwich rolls

1/4 shredded cheese
1 tbsp butter
salt & pepper to taste
1 tsp hot sauce
dijon mustard
1/2 sliced mushrooms
1/2 small sweet onion - sliced

1/2 c soy sauce
juice of half a lemon
3 Tbsp ketchup
2 Tbsp dijon mustard
1 tsp sugar
1 large garlic clove - fine chopped

Combine the ingredients for the marinade together in a shallow dish. Make sure the sugar has dissolved. Set aside.

Remove the tofu from the package and carefully pat dry with a paper towel. Slice them into 4 or 5 3/4-inch to 1 inch steaks. Places the slices into the marinade.

Marinate the tofu steaks for at least an hour before cooking. Even better is done the night before for better flavors absorption.

Preheat you broiler.

Prepare your skillet. Melt the butter on low heat and saute the onion until they have lightly browned. then add the mushrooms and saute again until the mushrooms had darkened in color. Season with some salt and pepper. Remove the skillet from the heat.

Take you tofu steak and place them on an ungreased baking sheet. Broil for 5-8 minutes until the top layer has charred slightly. Then flip and repeat for the other side.

Spread a thin layer of dijon mustard on all 4 slices of bread. Then add the cheese to the onion and mushroom mix as well as the hot sauce. Combine well. Divide the mixture between the two sandwiches. Slice the tofu steak in to 1/2 pieces and place them among the sandwiches. Put the top bread and toast the sandwich in your panini press of a clean skillet.

Heat each side for 3-5 minutes until the bread is toasted. Or you can toast the bread before assembling the sandwich.


  1. So simple jenn. Not sure if I cn eat tofu and bread together. But, trying doesn't hurt, right?

  2. I'm always struggling with over-the-top names for my recipes. They always have way too many ingredients listed!

    Anyway, whatever you call this sandwich, it looks great! I love the tofu! :)

  3. I want to like tofu, I really do. Maybe this marinade and sandwich would do the trick.

  4. Much as I love tofu, I don't think I've ever made a sandwich with it before. I think I'm going to have to try it now!

  5. I've always been a little leery of tofu... something about the texture. But really, this sandwich looks great! I definitely think it could change my mind about tofu..

  6. great sandwich nice to have a change stuck on ham all the time thats what Jasmine asks for !!

  7. you weren't kidding when you said you started making more dishes with tofu! i've never thought about putting tofu into a sandwich, but it sounds like an awesome alternative to chicken or other kinds of meat. yay to tofu!

  8. This is a good looking sandwich! I love the caramelized onion in there too! Yum!

  9. Your sandwich looks great. I am still a bit funny about tofu, but I really need to give it another chance. Your recipe sounds like a good place to start!

  10. Quite helpful piece of writing, thanks so much for your post.


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