Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pineapple POM Smoothie

Summer's not going to be here for another couple of months or so and I figured I'd give my self a taste of what I'll be having during that time. To get the party -- sort of -- started, I made myself a smoothie.  Smoothies are good, tasty and healthy.  I guess from having that fresh fruit smoothie on the set of Hawthorne, a craving kicked in and I had to make me one. This one is simple. I have a bunch of those canned pineapple tidbits. I popped one open. Had some POM juice in the fridge and used that as well.

I had minimal ice, but that didn't matter. Does ice evaporate in the freezer? I've noticed that over time ice trays that were once full have dwindled down to near nubs. But luckily, whatever was left had enough to make two glasses worth. I just stock piled the fresh fruit which I like anyway. Smoothies are probaby the easiest drinks one can make.

Serves 2-3

Pineapple POM Smoothie

2 c pineapple chunk or tidbits plus some juice
1/2 c POM juice
1 c ice

Combine everything in the blender until smooth.


  1. I am so ready for all these frosty fruit drinks! I still haven't inaugurated my new blender, which I bought 3 months ago because I swore I couldn't live without one. 8-P

  2. Mmmm, smoothie. Good stuff.

    And yeah, I think ice evaporates. I'm not 100% on that though.

  3. i love the use of the POM in there, pure refreshment!

  4. I'm not sure why I didn't think to make a smoothie when I had POM stockpiled in the fridge! What a great idea.

    And yes I agree that ice evaporates because sometimes my ice maker is full of ice that seems a bit off size-wise!

  5. Yum! How appropriate with the lovely springtime in our midst!

  6. I heart pineapple and pom. I would drink this so fast!

  7. Yum, yum, yum. I wish I would have saved some of my fresh pineapple for this smoothie.

    The ahi sandwich down below looks awesome!

  8. Jenn, THANK YOU!!!!!! Your comment made my day. Not sure how's the weather there in LA, but it is cloudy, rainy here ...

  9. pineapple is the best fruit to put in a smoothie (besides bananas) I would love this smoothie!

  10. I love blending up smoothies. Pineapple and pomegranate sounds like a great mix!

  11. Delicious smoothie! I can't wait for summer - I drink these every day for breakfast.

  12. I have a smoothie every morning for breakfast, and I'm always looking for new combos - this sounds so delicious, I can't wait to try it!

  13. The weather has turned warm and the smoothies are flowin' GREG

  14. An excellent smoothie, i like the pom and the pineapple combo!

  15. Never too early for smoothies. Pineapple and pomegranate juice sound awesome together!

  16. I love making smoothies for breakfast... and lately I have been using POM a lot in my smoothie. I need to get some pineapple to try this one. Yum!


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