Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet Potato Croquette with Yogurt Sauce [Revisited]

Today's the day of another production. 12 hours on set. Early morning call time. The culmination of all the stress from the last month and half comes down to today. The actual shooting of the project. The thing with preproduction is that unexpected things can always happen. I've had my fair share of those on this project. I've had many of what I like to call "Producer's Headache." But it comes with the territory, which I'm totally used to. After today, I can rest a little more that I did a week ago. 

I'm revisiting a recipe I posted last year, when guest posted on My Life and Food Encounters. But haven't really shared here on B + B yet. It's a really tasty yummy little appetizer. The first time I made these, I had a couple sweet potatoes that needed to be eaten. I decided to have a little fun an turn them into a finger food. Eating with your hands is good.  I mixed in some panko to help it retain its shape. I paired it with a Greek Style yogurt sauce. I remember a friend of mine making it once when she served it with some roast chicken and I figured it would go great with the croquette. I couldn't stop popping these in my mouth. Yum!!

Sweet Potato Croquette with Yogurt Sauce

2-3 Cooked and Mashed Sweet Potato
1/2 c panko crumbs

Yogurt Sauce:
2 Tbsp greek plain yogurt
2 Tbsp chopped parsley
1 tsp water

To cook the sweet potato:
Peel and cube the sweet potato. Put them into some boiling water and cook until tender. Drain and cool them down witn running cold water. Mash them in a bowl.

Preheat your oven to 375˚F

When the sweet potatoes are mashed, mix in the panko crumbs and season with a little salt.

Take 2 Tbsp of the mashed sweet potato and with your hands form into a ball.

Place them on parchment paper lined baking sheet and baked for 12-15 min.

While they bake, mix together the ingredients for the sauce and set aside until ready to serve.


  1. YUM. I want these for breakfast. Loved that they are baked!

  2. Yumm to the nth power! Anything sweet potato will make me drool *drooling*

  3. jenn i love you!
    sweet potatoes are my favorite and you've made them into something i MUST try!!!! love these!!!!

  4. I can understand why you'd have trouble only eating a few of these! Yum! Great recipe!

  5. Mmm I made sweet potato falafel not too long ago and the method was kind of like this! I have to try these though. That yogurt sauce sounds great.

  6. these look delicious! great idea!

  7. I'll take the whole bowl and the sauce please - they look awesome.

  8. looks yummy hope your work its too busy lol

  9. These look really good Jenn! I hope everything is going good!

  10. These sound amazing, and seem pretty healthy!

  11. Wow, I can just imagine chowing on these after a long day. They could almost be dessert. I'd have me a plate of these!

  12. Oh wow!!! Does that look totally amazing, or what? Love the tart and tangy yogurt sauce, too! I want these like, now!

  13. These croquettes look and sound fantastic! Fabulous picture!

  14. it's hard to go wrong with panko. i like that you bake them instead of frying.

  15. I'm just in awe of your creativity with sweet potatoes - I serious sense a single topic cookbook in the works, between this and the kaboucha squash.


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