Friday, April 9, 2010

When leftovers tasted so good....(Kabocha Noodles)

I know you've had those moments. You know...when you go to a party or gathering or over to someone's house. At the end of the night, you're most likely going to end up bring a little doggy bag home or in my case a little tupperware of food.

I was given a serving of this kabocha noodles to take home. I forget what it was called in taglog. Of course, when it's freshly cooked there's more soup to it. Over the course of a few hours the liquid tends to dry out. It's still really taste. I reminds me of pancit. I think it probably is. I could be wrong.  Except that this had kabocha. Remember late last year when I was in kabocha kick? So I was happy when this had the delicious pumpkin added to it.  I asked my mom how it was made and below you'll find a rough recipe. Not too many ingredient. Dry noodles found in Asian markets, onions, cubed pork, broth, garlic and pepper. Simple right? I'll just have to try making this for myself once things calm down. Maybe add a few more veggies here and there.

I would have taken a picture of it in the tupperware, But it looked like a blobby mess. I thought these pics would look better.

Kabocha Noodles 
(rough recipe)

Dried noodles (found in asian markets)
cube pork
vegetable or chicken stock

Saute the cubed pork. When browned, add garlic onions and pepper. Add Kabocha and saute all together. Add vegetable or chicken stock. Let it boil until kabocha is tender and add the noodles and cook until al dente.


  1. I've had those days.. my usual leftover is pancit malabon...

  2. I dont know why, but sometimes noodle dishes taste better the second day.
    Hope you have a great weekend daaahling!
    *kisses* HH

  3. Hey, if it was good the first day, it's usually great the next! These rough recipes are fun - it gives me a good idea of what goes in but flexibility to change it up as I'd like. I STILL haven't cooked with kabocha . . . !

  4. i LOVE leftover noodle dishes the next day. i'm so with you on this on!

  5. Sounds good to me! I think leftover pasta is the best, all the flavors get to mingle more.

    Plus I don't like stuff really saucy/soupy. Not that I won't eat it, of course! Heh.

  6. This looks great Jenn! So scrumptious! The photos are just the best.

  7. I like leftovers and will survive on them for a week.

  8. ok, blobby mess or say kabocha and I say thank you. Mmmm!!

  9. This is so simple and delicious to make! Thanks for sharing this to us! And with the leftovers, it's my problem too!

  10. Love kaboucha, on any given day there's one haunting our kitchen because they are so incredibly tasty and versatile - so talk about being on a kick. this recipe sounds absolutely delicious.

  11. Love anything with pumpkin in it, especially yummy noodles!


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