Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lavash Breakfast Pizza

Well, I didn't have this at breakfast. More like breakfast at dinner. Have I mentioned that I haven't always been a breakfast person? In fact, I'm not much of a morning person. I'm very nocturnal. Not sure why, but that's how I've been for most of my life. I guess I like the quiet solitude that accompanies doing work at night.

I had one more lavash bread. Let's I took a little field trip Whole Foods and found some ready prosciutto. Nice and thinly sliced. I haven't used prosciutto on B + B yet, so why not. It's Italian dry-cured ham. A little saltier than the American ham, yet so good. I love my pork! Anyway...so Lavash plus prosciutto plus...let me see...cheese...tomato sauce...Oh, oh...and EGG! It can't be breakfast with an egg or two. Yes.

Spread the sauce, followed by the cheese (parmesan and cheddar). Make a little border with the prosciutto to hold in the the eggs that i cracked in the middle. Bake it up like a regular pizza and voila...lavash breakfast pizza.

Serves 2

Lavash Breakfast Pizza

1 large lavash bread
4 or 5 thin slices of prosciutto
2 eggs
1/2 c grated parmesan
1/2 c shredded cheddar
1/4 c tomato sauce

Preheat your oven to 375˚F

Lay the lavash bread on a pizza pan or ungreased baking sheet.  Spread the tomato sauce evenly around, then sprinkle both cheeses. With the prosciutto, create a border in which the egg will go into. Crack the eggs, then bake for 10-13 minutes.

Serve warm.


  1. Love the idea of a breakfast pizza with sunny side eggs on top. I'm a nocturnal creature as well, but I would haul myself out of bed to eat this!

  2. Mmmm this looks good. One of these days I'm going to try a breakfast pizza. Seems such a fun way to start the day.

  3. I am totally a breakfast person (as well as a lunch and dinner person)! Love the eggs on top - they're just begging to have their tops broken open to let all that yolk-y goodness flow out . . .

  4. What a fantastic idea!! Love the eggs on top.

  5. I'm pretty sure this is going to be my lunch today! YUM!!

  6. That sounds good any time a day - perfect dinner for my daughter and I for tomorrow!

  7. I've only had egg on my pizza once, but it wasn't a great pizza so I'm not sure I can count it. I'm very curious about the ones at Mozza though. Of course. ;)

  8. Looks amazing! I would eat this pizza any time of day! And I didn't used to me much of a breakfast person either. But now I can't start my day without my oatmeal... :)

  9. i'm not much of a breakfast person either, but i would eat this any day of the week!

  10. Breakfast pizza - fantastic sounds like a perfect way to start the day!

  11. So creative! I don't think I've ever had or made a breakfast pizza. Shame, too, because this looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing another great idea, Jenn.

  12. Oh freaking yummy....look at the two yolks smiling out at me! Haha, I already guessed that you are nocturnal, what with the blog posts you churn out late at night!

  13. WOW! I would have never thought to make a breakfast pizza like that. It looks Sooo Yummy!

  14. I'm up for breakfast pizza but probably after my trip to Miami.

  15. Cool! I've never tried cooking my eggs this way. I am so trying this recipe!

  16. I always have either cereal or oats for dinner. This will be a treat!

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  18. oh wow! that look uniquely delicious!

  19. Whether you eat this for breakfast or not that is a B=B hit! GREG

  20. now that you mention it, i think breakfast pizza is what my life has been missing all these years


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