Monday, June 21, 2010

The Best Mom in the World

This past Saturday was my mom's birthday. We celebrated with a simple dinner at Granville Cafe at the Americana. Since it being a weekend and it also being Father's Day weekend, we knew eating out most places would be busy. But we braved the crowds anyway.

We arrive and sure enough, the place was slightly packed. There were a couple people waiting already. So we check-in. Luckily the wait wasn't too long. 5-10 minutes tops.

It doesn't really look like it from the picture above, but it was busy. It just so happens that the people next  to us left just right when we sat down. We take a looks at the menu and make our selections.

To start we ordered the sweet potato fries. Served with ketchup and ranch sauce. Nice and crispy with tasty herbs. I'm a sucker for sweet potato fries. We ate up 3/4 of this before out entrees arrived.

I order the Pan-Seared Ahi Sandwich. -- Sesame Crusted Ahi, Asian Cabbage Slaw with Thai Sesame Dressing and Wasabi Aioli. -- Served with in house crispy herb potato chips. I was only able to half of this because I stuffed myself with those sweet potato fries, but the half I did eat I enjoyed very much. I love ahi tuna and this one was nicely seared, the wasabi aiolli wasn't over-powering. It had a nice little punch to it. The chips were crispy and not at all soggy. I tend to be a little picky when it comes to in-house potato chips, but these were good as well. You can taste the herbs and they weren't too oily. 

My mom order their shareable lettuce cups. -- Fresh Butter Lettuce filled with Mango, Avocado, Grape Tomatoes and Asian Slaw, served with a side of Asian Dipping Sauce. -- She had hers with grilled steak. There were three on the plate. I just couldn't fit them all in the picture. She enjoyed these. They weren't too filling and just right as those sweet potato fries did fill us up. 

Of course, I must included a nice little pic of my lovely mom. Say hello. :) I think I'd say to eat here go during the weekday instead of the weekend. Overall, it was a good evening out. 

Grandville Cafe (Glendale)
The Americana at Brand
807 Americana Way

Glendale, California 91210
(818) 550-0472


A little tidbit of good news. The EAT MY BLOG bake sale was a big success. Kudos to the organizers and everyone who helped in some way or another.  Though, I wasn't able to be there myself, I'm happy that I was able to participate by baking up some goodies. I hope whoever purchased my nutella blondies enjoyed them especially when the proceeds will go directly to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. I'll post up the recipe for for those blondies soon.


  1. What a sweet daughter taking your mom out for her birthday. You look a lot like her, Jenn. Please give her my wishes for a happy birthday, too!

  2. Happy birthday to your very young looking mom. Love the sweet potato fries :) they are a favourite of mine.
    *kisses* HH

  3. Hello, mom =) Delicious meal...those lettuce cups sound awesome, but I'm a total sucker for sweet potato fries...I usually end up just making a meal out of those!

  4. Happy Birthday to your mom! Seriously, you take after her - lovely ladies, both of you. 8-)

    It was my mom's birthday on Sunday (!) but she's back in Manila, so we could only share the day over the phone. Your celebration with your mother looks like it was delicious fun!

  5. Oh, and congratulations on the Eat My Blog bake sale! I heard a lot of great things about it and wish I could've been there to snap up all your nutella blondies. I eagerly look forward to the recipe post . . . 8-)

  6. Those sweet potato fries do sound irresistible! Looks like a great birthday celebration for your Mom!

  7. Happy Birthday to your mom! That restaurant sounds good, too bad I'm on the other side of the country. Heh.

  8. You mom looks SO young! She is so beautiful!

    I ate at Granville once about 1 year ago and it was good. I didn't get to try their fries though so I am going to need to make another trip soon.

  9. How fun! GC has happy hour too, which is perfect.

  10. Your Mom looks more like your sister! Hope she had a Happy Birthday. All of your eats look delicious! Especially those sweet potato fries.

  11. oh she is so cute, looks like a good birthday meal love Rebecca

  12. Happy birthday to your mom Jenn. She looks very young and pretty.

  13. Oh you are such a nice daughter and your mom looks so sweet. LOVE her lettuce cups.....I would order those too!

  14. Happy belated birthday to your mom :D
    Sweet potato fries AND homemade potato chips...I like your style!

  15. It can't succeed in fact, that's what I believe.


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