Thursday, August 5, 2010

Production Eats - No. 23

I'm happy to report that I made it out of my film shoot alive!!!!!! Two days of shooting in the forest. Three actors, 8 crew members...walking up and down a steep trail with all our equipment and other essential items. I'll be writing up a special post for that in the coming days. I'm in recovery/hibernation mode now. Well...not as much as I'd like as I've been working on different sets this week, but I've been working on catching up on tons of reading.

A week ago, I worked on a show called No Ordinary Family. I guess it's a new one from ABC. Don't really know what it's about or who's in it. All I know is that I played an 18-year-old high school student. Yes, I can still pass for that age...yet oddly enough, I don't get carded as much when I go out for drinks. hmmmm... We had ourselves a nice catered lunch.

Steamed veggies, some caesar salad and fresh mushroom slices, grilled swordfish, some potato wedges, meatloaf, sauteed veggies.

You can't see the sauteed veggies, but it contained some zucchini and squash. I did enjoy the meatloaf. I wouldn't normally admit to that as I greatly enjoy the Filipino version of meatloaf.

For dessert...we've got the usual fruit and a chocolate chip cookie. Yum yum!! But what I like was the crumb cake. It wasn't a big slice, but it was enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. :)


  1. Oh my, I LOVE curmbcakes :)
    *kisses* HH

  2. Filipino meatloaf? Do you have a recipe for that here? I'm intrigued.

  3. Glad the film shoot went well. Looking forward to your recap! :)

    Your production eats look good. And I'm intrigued by the Filipino meatloaf as well...

  4. The crumb cake looks scrumptious! Glad your shoot went good - can't wait to hear all about it.

  5. well good to know you made it out alive kiddo.
    that crumbcake is sinful!!!

  6. Oh man, that shoot sounded treachorous! And I wish I could still pass for 18 (LOL)
    And yes, please post a recipe for Filipino meatloaf, sounds delicious!

  7. YAY! I'm glad you're alive too, so I can meet your adorable face again! Go take a deep rest, my dear! and maybe a bubble bath and a glass of champagne! ;-)

  8. love that first plate, so much good stuff going on, enjoy the eats!

  9. Congrats on making it though everything and I cannot wait to see or read about what you've been up to!

  10. Filming sounds fun! I am glad you had fun!


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