Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Production Eats - No. 27

Last week I worked on two shows, I worked on No Ordinary Family once again. The first time I played a high school student. This time around I played a store shopper. I'm interested in seeing this show. It's a bout a family who has super powers. Hmmm...I am intrigued.

 Top clockwise: Dinner roll cantelope, salad, Steamed veggies and roasted potatoes, parmesan crusted chicken, roast beef

 Strawberry parfait?

 To wash it all down a nice delicious fruit smoothie.

The second show I worked on was Dexter. :-) This one was a long day, but it made up for the fact that I got to sit pretty close to Dexter himself...Michael C. Hall. How close? Well...it more at arms length. Yeah. And it was for a good portion of the day, too.

 The all too traditional casaer salad and some slices of fruit

Garlic halibut, dinner roll, roast pork, rice, a piece of German chocolate cake.

There was a lot of us in this shoot, so I knew that dessert would go pretty quick as soon as I got near enough I snagged myself a piece before it had all run out. 


  1. I always love reading about your jobs and your production eats! :)

    Have a great week!

  2. I have been having a good time reading your "production eats" posts. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I still might catch a glimpse one day LOL.

  3. What a fun life you live! All the food looks great and I want a slice of the German chocolate cake...

  4. I love the passion you have for your work, hope you get to visit India one day lol Rebecca

  5. I love the food you eat on your job. I really think its one of the coolest job ever!

  6. I always happen to pop over here for your productions eats...lately anyway. I'll take that chocolate cake! It's great that you are getting so many work opportunities!

  7. That show does sound like it'll be funny. You get to see all the fun shows up close.

  8. Ooh what show is that about the superhuman family? I think I've seen the ads for it around...with a mom, a dad, a daughter, and a son, yes?

  9. I'm always jealous of your productions eats. I've never had a job where they fed me well. Heh.

  10. You have the coolest job. I love Micheal C. Hall but can't watch Dexter - it's just too dark for me.

  11. I can't get the image of the cafeteria-style lunch tray out of my head! I know my kiddos pile up their trays like that everyday at school, and I hope they choose healthy food!

  12. Wow, another yummy sounding meal - good thing I got my dinner started =)`

  13. It sounds like your work is always different and lots of fun. The food looks great too!

  14. I have been away and am trying desperately to play blog catch up! I am happy to see your still bring out the production eats. GREG

  15. It looks more like ice cream spaghetti! Also I admit sometimes I'm envious of your life. I wish I was still in production. *sigh*
    (don't worry I'm not like, bad envious or anything!)

  16. Your job sounds like so much fun! And, you're served lots of great food. I would have headed straight to the German chocolate cake too!

  17. I said it before and I'll say it again - I love your job! And your eats look good too! It's a nice perk.


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