Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Production Eats No. 29

Last week, I worked two days on a movie at the Ontario airport and Los Angeles International Airport. It was two LONG days, tiring yet somehow I managed to survive. When I say long I mean waking up at 3:30am and have to be on set by 5:30am. With the sun going down a little earlier now a days, I feel my energy drained faster. When does daylight savings end? Maybe that's why.

Anyway...by the time lunch rolled around we had already been filming for several hours. Breakfast was, at that point, a distant memory as my stomach loudly grumbled during takes for a scene. As were many other stomachs from those around me. It's interesting to be filming inside an actual working airport. Especially when passengers from real flights are trying to either board their planes or getting their luggage. The curious eyes. It's funny.

Day 1--

Clockwise from top right: Salad with some corn and vinaigrette, pasta with marinara sauce, blackened catfish, rice with a some carrots, a dinner roll. For dessert, half of a pumpkin pice slice, and a piece of chocolate cake with nuts baked on top.

I couldn't decide on which dessert I wanted as there were a few choices, so I took the half piece of pumpkin pie and a piece of chocolate cake. There was also ice cream, but with the plateful of food I already had, I didn't want to push the limits of my stomach. I did enjoy the catfish.

Day 2

clockwise from top right: Peas and carrots, some rice, pasta with marina and parmesan, a couple slices of honeydew melon, breaded tilapia, a couple small slices of bread and for dessert some cinnamon raisin bread pudding.

Cinnamon bread pudding! Now I want to make me some bread pudding. There was also apple strudel, but the bread pudding was beckoning to take it. And if you've been reading this blog long enough, you'd know that I like crunchy stuff. So the breaded tilapia was a no-brainer for me. Crispy breadcrumbs with the tender fish. Yum! You'll notice I don't have my usual salad that's because by the time I got to the salad table the bowls were empty. I didn't want to wait for them to replenish it. I was hungry darn it!! :) It's no biggie. I still got my veggies.


  1. Cinnamon bread pudding sure sounds good!

  2. 3:30 in the morning??? I dont know how you do it.
    *kisses* HH

  3. That kind of early start would kill me! But, the pumpkin pie might bring me back to life. Can't wait to make a pumpkin pie this fall.

  4. I'm with HH - I have no idea how you manage such a crazy schedule!

    I've made bread pudding once and it got rave reviews! The secret is Ezekiel's Cinnamon Bread...it does all the work for you!

  5. I would of felt like a star with those people gawking at me! The bread pudding sounds yummy.

  6. All that food looks great! That bread pudding sounds awesome :)

  7. The cinnamon bread pudding does sound like the winner. Not sure how you can do those hours, but at least you get a good snack!

  8. Jenn, thanks for stopping by! Daylight savings time ends soon. Be sure to get your exercise and eat as healthy as you can!

  9. Cinnamon bread pudding sounds AMAZING! Your job is so cool!

  10. Oh, I want some cinnamon bread pudding, too...YUM! And I know my eyes would be curious, too ;)

  11. A half piece of each pie.. youre my hero! Way to go!

  12. Stop overworking yourself!! It always seem to be work work work for you, Jenn! Though, I can say the same thing for myself...at least they're feeding you nicely!

    Stay cool, dear Jenn!

  13. I LOVE bread pudding! Years ago I worked at a place that got food delivered from a nearby cafe that had THE BEST bread pudding (different flavors) once a week. I so miss it... Should just make it myself...

  14. three-thirty a.m.! Ack! I'd never make it! Good eats!


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