Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dim Sum Brunch

The best times to eat dim sum is during brunch. Usually shortly after they open is a really good time. No long lines and no waiting. Best of all you know you're getting first pick of the fresh batch of whatever they have cooking up  in those carts! I had to go to Chinatown in LA already so I made the most of this trip with some dim sum. The place we went to was Empress Pavilion just off the 110 south freeway in Los Angeles. I written about them before a little over a year ago. (Here)

Shrimp eggrolls

Fried Dumplings

Chicken and mushroom in rice noodles

Sesame Rice Dumplings

Pork siumai

Spicy Garlic Spareribs

The delicious empty plate and happy full stomachs


  1. I love the look of those rice dumplings.
    Merry Christmas daaaaaahling.
    *kisses* HH

  2. oh how i love when you do posts like this.
    how do you stay so thin?


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