Friday, February 25, 2011

Pure Dark

A couple weeks ago, I had gotten a nice package. Yep, thanks to Foodbuzz Tastemaker program and Pure Dark for the samples of chocolate. Who could resist chocolate? Remember I'm a self-professed chocoholic? I've been wanting to make something with them, but they've been staring at me for quite sometime. So I gave in and nibbled away at them. I couldn't resist.

Two samples: Classic Bark (Top) and Chocolate Slab

I like the packaging on the chocolates. It's not your usual foil wrapper, it's got the soft paper material. Almost feels like rice dense rice paper. I'm sure there's a name for it, it's just not coming into my mind right now. Anyone know the name of it? 

Classic Bark

As in the description of the package, this chocolate has bits of cherries, roasted almonds and caramelized nibs. This is perfect to snack one. It's got a nice balance of flavors. A bit of the sweet and salty.  You can't go wrong with that. Plus, each bit you take has a taste of each, another cool thing. Unlike some chocolates that just randomly sprinkle the add-ins in certain areas. 

Chocolate Slab

This one is pure dark chocolate. A nice this slab of chocolate. I think this one is perfect for baking or incorporating into some kind of dish. Heck you can even put it into hot cocoa. ( I think I might just do that!) 

If you see these around somewhere and/or you love dark chocolate, give them a try.

Oh and don't forget to check out the website for my new short film. Thanks for the support!! I'm really proud of it and hope it will do well in the world of movies. :)

By The Water's Edge


  1. I can guarantee that I wouldn't be able to resist nibbling on that chocolate either, sounds like good stuff - and, of course, good luck with your movie - hope it goes well for you Jenn!

  2. wow! they look amazingly rich and delicious. so, foodbuzz tastemakers, eh? i might just have to research that a bit...

    great blog - i'm your newest follower!

  3. This chocolate looks amazing! I would nibble all day long :)

  4. Those are useful tips, really informative. Thanks for sharing. Great post!


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