Thursday, September 15, 2011

A little B+B Giveaway.

Gasp!! A giveaway!!! Yes, you read it right. The awesome folks at Girard's Dressing are kind enough to set aside a lovely sampling of 4 dressings to a lucky B + B reader. Now I rarely do giveaways, so take advantage of this opportunity as who knows when I'll be doing another one. Plus, you'll be tasting some really good quality stuff. Remember dressings and vinaigrettes aren't just for salads. You can use them to marinate chicken and meats, too. Be creative with them.

Imagine a large package arriving at your door and inside are 4 bottles from their variety of dressing. The picture shown below was from the first time I had the opportunity to try their dressing late last year. Who knows which ones you'll get.


To enter please leave a comment below with a valid email or link to your blog. Basically any way I can get into contact with whoever wins. It's that simple. Deadline to enter is Wednesday, Sept 21st. So enter for your chance to win some of Girard's Dressing. Do!! Spread the word!!! Good luck!!

P.S.: If you haven't already, why not become a fan and "like" my photography page on facebook. It's in need of some fans. :) I've got several new photos that I'll be posting. There you'll get to see all new releases: Check it out!


  1. Well, I hope I can enter this giveaway!

  2. Girard's brings back such fond memories. It was the first salad dressing I bought when I moved to the U.S. twenty years ago! Just thinking of it transports me back then... Would love to win! :)

  3. Oh yum, cool giveaway.

  4. These look delicious! Thanks for the giveaway.

    katklaw777 at yahoo dot com
    Yummy giveaway, thanks!

  6. I'd love to win
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  7. Found your blog googling something else, and then got pulled into yours from your awesome chicken posts! Always a welcome sight! Lovely food photos and best of all you are a FoodBuzz blogger! Nice to connect. I hope to read a lot more of your blog. Denine - The Bicycle-Chef

  8. i would love to win
    amy marantino
    tigger27_27 at hotmail dot com

  9. Nice recipes in your blog i like it...............................

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