Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Production Eats No. 48

It's been a while since I've done a production eats post. So here's #48. Worked the show Big Bang Theory the other day. Sitcoms are fun to work on. The day I was there was on they day when they tape in front of a live audience. Yes, some shows are still taped in front of real people. The process of filming is slightly different compared to those scripted dramas, which is cool. Anyway... on to the eats.

Pineapple slices, Grilled Chicken, Garlic Bread, Salad with some balsamic dressing

My plate looks a bit small, but it was filling. The chicken tasty. It took me a while to cut through it with the flimsy utensil I had. But I did eat it up. Added a little kick to it by putting some tapatio hot sauce. I love me a good dose of hot sauce every once in a while.

For dessert, a peanut butter cookie and a chewy brownie. I nearly forgot to take a pic of the dessert hence why the cookie looks half eaten. I get eager for dessert before the entre. Has that ever happen to you? I guess my sweet tooth always wins out in the end.

Today's your last chance to enter the little giveaway of Girard's Dressing. Head on over right now to the link below and leave a comment to be entered. Don't miss out on this, if you haven't entered already.

Lastly, to all you marathon runners out there... any advice on training? I've started training for the LA Marathon, which I will be running in 2012. It's my first ever! I've always wanted to run it for several years now, but have always backed out, wimp out, or get lazy to do it. Now I'm taking that leap and kicking myself to do it. I've always love to run, but have been so busy these last couple of months that I have to get used to it all over again. What's your process to prepare?

1 comment:

  1. I always love your production eats! :)

    It's funny, when I saw the dessert plate, I thought, Oh, she only ate a small piece of the cookie... ;)

    No advice for marathon training, but that's great that you've decided to run a marathon next year! Good luck!


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