Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Site Update: Followers Box

I added a followers box on the monstrosity of a sidebar there. LOL. So if you'd like to follow me, if you aren't already via rss feeds, reader feeds or email, go on right ahead and click follow. I'd love to have you on board. The more the merrier I always say. =)

Side note: In my attempt to purchase a domain name I find out that is already taken. Totally bummed!!!!


  1. Cool - I showed up automatically on your followers list! Probably because I was subscribed to your blog through blogger.

  2. 5 Star Foodie: You were actually one of the first one =) Thanks!

  3. thats cool now i will get your feeds on blogger dashboard, so sorry about not getting bread and


  4. ah, that sucks that that domain was already taken! what about trying a different bread? like if you fav bread is toast, it can be toast plus butter...bagel plus butter...I don't know, just randomly throwing suggestions!
    or...butter over bread? butter on bread?

  5. cool beans, look forward to checking it out

  6. Rebecca: No worries. I think I've come up with an alternative. (Maybe)

    burpandslurp: Good suggestions. I'll take it into consideration. =)

    oysterculture: =)

  7. I have already found so many great features on your site. Wow you have some really great recipes. Also glad to have you twirl with us at TwirlandTaste. Always know that the door's open and drop by anytime.
    Happy Twirls

  8. What about That's disappointing that your first choice isn't available. :-(

  9. Libby Murphy: Thanks for visiting.

    Wicked Noodle: That's one of my options.


Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave a message. I'd love to hear from you. I do read them all. ;-D
