Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Greens with a drizzle of Honey-Mustard Vinaigrette

It's a lot of green and a little bit of whatever color canned tuna is. Doesn't matter. The vinaigrette makes up for all the green-ness in this dish. Maybe it's my way of being a little earth conscious on this Earth Day. See the connection there?

With the weather being summer hot early this week, I wasn't really in the mood to spend a whole lot of time in the kitchen, where the heat can definitely add up.

Sliced up some romaine hearts that I had gotten from the farmers market, cucumber (peeled), half an avocado, and added some the leftover tuna salad from the T.M.T. Drizzled over some of the sweet and tangy Honey-Mustard Vinaigrette and...viola! Dinner without the hassle. Give me a small bottle of Perrier and a couple of Samoas cookies for dessert to go along with this and I'm satisfied.

It's delicious, healthy and just right.

Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

1/3 c Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
1 1/2 Tbsp Honey
Juice of one small lemon (roughly 2 Tbsp)
salt and pepper to season

Blend well and pour over on your favorite salad mix.


  1. Mmmmm!!! I LOVE honey mustard but I have yet to find a vinaigrette that I like on my salad because they are usually thick and clumpy! Yours looks delicious, I'll have to give it a try!

  2. you have forced me to go out and get an avocado - I eat tons of them but they havent been that nice lately - I hope I find a good one today.

  3. I've never made my own honey mustard sauce before. Now I will! Thanks Jenn.


  4. Well once there are avocados, we're sold!

  5. I have made a mayo-based honey mustard sauce before. However, this vinaigrette looks much lighter and very tasty! Great idea!

  6. Teanna: Try this. No clumbs and the thickness is just right to coat the salad.

    doggy: I adore avocados to no end.

    Eric: You're welcome.

    Duo Dishes: Sweet!

    Jen: Thanks.

  7. It looks like a healthy and delicious salad. Love the vinaigrette.

  8. very healthy. honey-mustard makes everything better. you're being good, I'm being bad eating a handful of bittersweet choco chips as I read & type this.

  9. This looks like a great summer salad. Can't wait for the warm weather!

  10. You had me at honey-mustard! My favorite-this looks nice and refreshing! Perfect for a hot day when you don't want to cook!

  11. Pam: It is.

    Dawn: I'll take some of those chocolate chips. =)

    Screamin' Mama: Perfect wam weather food.

    Reeni: It was effortless.

  12. Looks great! Yummy, summer food. I'm so ready for warm weather!

  13. NanaLana: I'm working my way up to liking the summer weather. lol.

  14. um i should make the honey mustard sauce as well

  15. you need to put a follower icon on here

  16. Dietitian for Hire: To your suggestion on the followers icon. =)

  17. Yum!! Look at all that avocado!! I'm drooling all over the keyboard ;)

  18. Nice collection of greens you got there, girl, and honey/mustard vinaigrette just makes everything better :)

  19. After ranch dressing, honey mustard is my favorite! It is sweet and tangy and goes so well with fresh veggies! Your plate looks hard to resist! Beautiful job!

  20. Oooh Avocados! That's my favorite salad or sandwich ingredient. Actually I use it in pasta too, and desserts. Your salad looks great.

  21. TavoLini: Don't drool too much. =)

    Daily Spud: It sure does.

    Kelly: I used to be a die-hard ranch person. But I've softened up a bit over the years.

    Diana: Desserts? I'm trying to think if I've ever had avocado in a dessert. It'll come to me.

  22. jenn!
    You are becoming japanese!
    Certainly healther than those pancake Crostinis you kept eating while cooking them! LOL

  23. Robert-Gilles: I do LOVE Japanese food.

  24. Love it-though I'll have to make it just for myself(again hubby and son aren't too fond of avocados).

  25. Sweta: You don't have to have the avocado. =)

  26. Very nice blog.... i adore honey-mustard vinaigrette!!
    waving to you

  27. Cherry Blossom: Thank for visiting


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