Sunday, May 3, 2009

Free Chicken with the Award Winning Julia Child

Yes, I'm guilty. I got the two free pieces of chicken that El Pollo Loco had for their promotion this past Tuesday. I missed the free chicken from KFC on Monday and the free Baskin Robbins Scoop on Sunday, so I wouldn't going to miss this. I have to admit that I did liked it. (*hangs head down low*) Finger lickin' good! Oh, wrong place. Besides, it was free. Who wouldn't pass that up? The only thing I paid for was my drink and that was around a buck.

It was one thigh and a leg a couple of flour tortillas. You could order a side of rice and beans, but you'd had to pay for those. I'm happy with just the chicken and salsa. That thigh piece was pretty large, too. Aside from me slightly burning my fingers as it was still "fresh off the grill" hot, I got a good meal. (Or maybe I was just hungry.)

This week Teresa from A Blog About Food had passed along this award to me and I'm honored to be one of the recipients. It's called the Premio Meme award. Along with the award I'm supposed to list seven things about my personality, then pick seven bloggers to pass this award to.'s a little something for you all to know me a little better.

1 Introvert - I'm a really shy and quiet person. I value solitude when I can find it. I'm not anti-social. It's quite the opposite really. It just takes me a while to find my barrings.

2 Loving - I'm very much a family and friends person. They're the ones that keep me from getting a big head and I cherish every moment I have with them.

3 Ambitious - I've got ideas and plans. I'll stop at nothing to get those accomplished.

4 Altuistic - I tend to worry more about those around me than I do for myself.

5 Easy-going - I don't like drama. Period!

6 Adventurous - I'm a curious soul wandering through a big world and there's a lot of adventures to be had.

7 Stubborn - I do have my moments, but it's not too often. I'm willing to compromise, if needed.

There you go... seven things. Now for the recipients of this award. The following are just some of the wonderful foodies I follow. Check them out as well as so many others in the blogroll on the sidebar. In no particular order:

Alice at Savory Sweet Life
Jen at My Kitchen Addiction
Kelly at Evil Shenanigans
Pam at For The Love of Cooking
Natasha at 5 Star Foodie
Reeni at Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice
Sophia at Burp & Slurp

Lastly, as many of you readers may know, my other day job involves the imaginary world of movies. Don't worry this ties into food. So when something comes along that brings together two of my passions in life, it's like a kid in a candy store moment.

Julie & Julia (IMDB)
Based on the book by Julie Powell. Directed by Nora Ephron (Sleepless In Seattle/Silkwood) Starring Meryl Streep as non other than Julia Child and Amy Adams as Julie Powell.

Synopsis from IMDB: The film follows Powell, a government employee who decides to cook her way through legendary cook Julia Child's classic cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in one year's time out of her small Queens kitchen. Powell blogs her daily experiences, gaining a loyal following along the way.

The movie looks promising. Haven't read the book yet, but I will. Opens this coming August. I've included the trailer below for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!!


  1. Congratulations on the award - and thank you so much for passing it along to me!

    I can't wait for that movie. I watched the trailer... I'm not sure I can wait until August. I HAVE to get that book! :)

  2. Free chicken-don't hang your head n shame,girl!Everything in moderation is fine-go for a jog if you still feel guilty(but don't spoil your Sunday over it).
    Congrats on the award-great to know you a little better :)

  3. Oh JENN, I just like everything about you, but I can not picture you as a shy girl...

  4. Well, the chicken looks good to me :) Congrats on your award!

  5. hey, you cant beat free - and you definitely cant beat free chicken...

  6. Thank you for posting that trailer. I am so excited for this movie.
    I do believe I watched every single episode of Julia Child shows ever produced. And it looks to me that Meryl Streep has her just right.

  7. Jen: You're very welcome. You deserve that award.

    Sweta: Thanks. I got over it once the next day. =)

    Elra: Oh, but I am. =)

    girlichef: It was good.

    doggy: Free is always good. Free chicken is definitely good.

    irisofthewayfarer: I love Meryl Streep. She fit the part perfectly.

  8. what's that saying "winner winner chicken dinner!" that be you! LOL

  9. Thanks for sharing some tidbits about yourself and passing it on to me!! The movie looks so funny! I have to read the book!

  10. I can not wait for the movie, I enjoyed the book so. Congrats on the ard. First time here, lovely blog, great recipes and photos..

  11. Dawn: LOL. Ya.

    Reeni: You deserve it.=) Ihave to make a trip or my local bookstore to get the book. Pronto.

    Donna: Thank you. Please stop by again.

  12. congrats on the award u deserve it

  13. I am so glad to learn these things about you! It's wonderful when you can start attaching more than a name to your fellow bloggers. I like what I read. Thanks...GREG

  14. chow and chatter: Thanks.

    Sippity Sup: It makes it a little more personable.

  15. It was fun to get to know more about you! The movie looks like SO much fun, I might actually have to go to the theatre for that one.

  16. i think you have to start emailing me about these free food things. the only one I ever hear about is ben & jerry's, and I ALWAYS miss it.

  17. Thank you for passing the award along to me!! :)

    And do not feel bad about the free chicken. I would have done the same, and I would have enjoyed it! Free is ALWAYS the best price!

  18. Teresa: I'm axiously waiting for this.

    Justin: I'll keep that in mind for the next free food promo. =)

    Kelly: You're very welcome!

  19. Congrats on the award - thanks for giving it on to me.

    I can't wait for the movie - Meryl does a great job!

  20. Pam: You're welcome! you deserve it. =)

  21. I watched that trailer the other day too! Loooooved it! I can't wait! :)

    P.S. Totally didn't realize it was Amy Adams until they announced her name!

  22. Diana: It's the hair that makes her different.

  23. I completely missed the KFC and Baskin Robbins promos and there are no EPLs here. 8-(

    Congratulations on your Premio meme award! As for the film, it's going down on the list of must-sees.

  24. Tangled Noodle: I missed the Baskin Robbins and KFC. I definitely made sure I didn't miss this.

  25. Congrats on the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me! Sorry I'm late to see this - just got back from California last night! Thanks!

  26. I didn't know about that promo--El Pollo Loco is definitely popular around here, can't believe we missed it!

  27. 5 Star Foodies: No worries. You deserve it. =)

    TavoLini: I('m sure they'll have another.

  28. Congrats on the award, I'm a bit behind - I had always relied on the FB feed to let me know when you posted so now that I don't have it, I'm struggling. You definitely deserve the award, I am in awe at the quality and quantity of posts you produce - all of amazing quality

  29. OysterCulture: Thank you. I'm just doing what I love to do. Also, I think since FB put up the new format, people are having a hard time adjusting to it.

  30. What is up with all the free chicken this Spring? We don't have a EPL around here, so I'm missing out on getting to try it. I can't see you as shy, either..just cool in a crowd...very cool, possibly aloof. It's funny how hard it is to zero in on a personality thru a blog- even though we think we bare all!
    I read the book a couple of years ago. At that point I'd never looked at a blog in my life. Funny how life turns. I loved the story- talk about baring all! Can't wait for the movie. Streep will make us weep and roar with this one.

  31. Kim: Funny thing about personalities. It's always a mystery


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