Saturday, May 2, 2009

PB J-Loaf

I guess you can call this an experiment gone wrong in a good way. I remember watching an episode of Unwrapped from Food Network that showcased this place that made peanut butter and jelly pizzas. Totally cool idea. I've been wanting to try it out for quite a while and finally had the time to do it. I wasn't quite feeling well when I decided to make this, so I didn't want to take the effort to make dough from scratch. Luckily, I had a can of Pillsbury classic pizza crust in the fridge.

Pillsbury dough comes like a large rectangular sheet. I had cut it in half and balled up each trying to reshape it in a circular dough shape. I pressed it down stretching it to a fairly decent size and did the usual things with pizza. Placed the toppings and added some cinnamon sugar on the crust to make it like cinnamon sticks and baked for 20 min. I used Jiff Natural Creamy Peanut Butter and Smuckers Strawberry Preserve.

When I opened the oven door, it was no pizza, but a small roundish loaf. The jam had slid down the sides and slightly caramelized on the silpat, so I added a little more on the top after removing it from the baking sheet. The peanut butter was still creamy. The inside was like bread with a hint of a cinnamon crust. This is definitely a dessert piece. Just like the sandwich, but in a different way.

An experiment gone wrong in a good way.

PB J-Loaf

Pillsbury Classic Pizza dough (Halved)
Creamy Peanut Butter
Strawberry Preserve

1 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Sugar

Preheat oven 425˚F.

Ball up the dough. You'll want any showing creases to be at the bottom. Press it down into the familiar pizza shape.

Combine the cinnamon and sugar in a small saucer. Heat peanut butter and strawberry preserve, separately, in the microwave for 30-45 seconds to soften. Then spread an even layer of each. Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mix around the crust. Place on a baking sheet with a silpat or lightly greased pan and bake for 15-20 min. Add extra preserve on top before serving.


  1. Jenn, you post this on the weekend! It's perfect, because this can be made instantly by using Pillsbury Classic Pizza dough. Clever indeed.

  2. Creative! Did you submit this recipe for the contest, Jenn?

  3. Just curious, what did it look like when you cut it open? Was the PB and J noticeably different.. or did it combine during cooking? I think my kids would love this but only if you could see both ingredients separategg. I think this would make an awesome appetizer.

  4. Elra: Thanks.

    Leela: I didn't get the chance to enter this one. Maybe next year.

    Alice: The PB&J are separate on top of the bread not inside. I had tried making this a regular pizza. My mistake was trying to reshape the dough, so instead of the dough remaining flat it, puffed up like a loaf. The inside is just bread.

  5. OOOOHH MY!!! Cut me a piece please!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. ha, an experiment gone wrong in a good way... that's awesome.

  7. this is a good idea - I think it might be interesting to try and get the goods on the inside - like a calzone or something - do you think it would work?

  8. PBJ is a classic combo and this is just a new way to love it! Thanks from Santa Barbara, s

  9. Looks tasty - now I'm hungry for PB&J. I love when things turn out differently than you expect but in a good way. Keeps life interesting!

  10. Wow, this looks so cool! I'll have to try it out :)

  11. kim: sure.

    justin: That's what it is. lol.

    doggy: I can't think if any reason why it shouldn't. I'm planning on making this again. So I'll keep you posted, unless you do it first. =)

    s. stockwell: New ways to love it even more.

    jen: Exactly!!

    Victoria: Have fun making it!

  12. I LOVE it, this looks amazing!

  13. Well, it looks pretty good...great idea. The pictures are great! Looks yummie!

  14. I've discovered a new found love for peanut butter and this sounds delicious - it was not a favorite of mine growing up - so I am making up for lost time

  15. Oooo - I like doggybloggy's idea! Please let us know if you try it. This would be great as a brunch dish!

  16. Teresa: Thanks.

    Juliana: It was yummy. =)

    Oyster Culture: Peanut Butter was and still is my fave thing spread on a sandwich.

    Tangled Noodle: Oh, yeah. I'll definitely be making this again soon. Will keep you posted. =)

  17. This looks ooey-gooey and delicious! It may not have turned out how you envisioned but it looks like a yummy treat. A calzone sounds like an interesting idea.

  18. It looks almost sinful! Bet it tastes really good...I would love it with all the bread underneath!! Yum!

  19. wow great dessert pizza! pb and j always makes my day :)

  20. Reeni: Ooey-Gooey. I like that. lol.

    girlichef: I gotta have my bread. =)

    Jessie: I can live off PB & J, if I needed to.

  21. Anything with PB and J for me =)

  22. Dear Jenn!
    I've just stoped counting my mistakes turning into fluke successes!
    join the crowd!LOL

  23. Yet another way to enjoy PB & J - it can't even possibly go wrong if these ingredients are in it.

  24. How creative! You can't go wrong with good ol' PB&J.

  25. pigpigscorner: Same here.

    Robert-Gilles: I need to start doing that.

    Chow and Chatter: Thanks.

    Giz: I have to agree with you on that.

    Gaga: Yes, indeed.

  26. and you know it's totally portable! so make a bunch of these babies and use them as to-go breakfasts. clever!

  27. That looks absolutely delish! I love PB & J! Unfortunately my son has a nut allergy so I don't have it as often as I would like.

  28. Dawn: True. Portability is key.

    Screamin' Mama: Aww, that's too bad. I bet your son' would have loved this. You can have it when you son's not around.

  29. What a good idea! this is so creative and I'm always looking for ways to use pre-made pizza dough - besides pizza! I like almond butter better than peanut butter, so I might try that with a strawberry or raspberry jelly!

  30. Maris: oh..almond butter. Ihave to try that sometime.

  31. I've had peanut butter and jelly pizza before, and it is awesome! I always toast or bake my PBJ sandwiches, so this sounds perfect. Thanks for capturing your faux pas.


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