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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Avocado Sour Cream dip

Today will be relatively short. A really simple dip that uses only 3 ingredients. Two of which are in the name. It's got a nice lightly green color to it and it can be used as a sandwich spread. How about that? It's got a nice smooth and creamy texture to it with a lovely blend of the sour cream and avocado flavors. Yum! This is perfect for parties. If you put this out on a buffet table, you'd probably find me standing next to the bowl of this dip, nibbling away.

I served this with some garlic rosemary baked fries. Have it with some chips or bread.

Baked Rosemary Fries

Click here for my Baked Garlic-Rosemary Fries

Note: if not baking the fries right aways, keep them soaked in water spiked with a little white vinegar to keep them from browning.

Avocado Sour Cream Dip
1 medium avocado
1-2 Tbsp Sour Cream
juice of half lemon.

Combine all ingredients together. Mash the avaocado until creamy and leave a few chunks.

Serve them way while hot.


Jamie said...

So quick and simple but it sounds delicious. Great idea for a dip and spread.

Cucinista said...

Now THIS is a green goddess dip.

Sanghi said...

Yum yum dip..!

Justin said...

rosemary fries sound good to me right now. i was thinking about how my basil plant didn't survive, but my rosemary is looking great.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Gosh, these sound good! Sometimes easiest is best.

Mardi Michels said...

Fabulous idea - I think I might even have those ingredients on hand!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to snack on :D

Caitlin said...

I LOVE this dip, I'd probably eat it in one sitting with its creamy avocado goodness!

Jenn said...

Jamie: You're welcome

Cucinista: hehe...

Sanghi: Yum yum, indeed!!

Justin: Nice. Go use up that rosemary.

Mary: They are.

eatlive: Sweet!!

HH: Yes.

Caitlin: I gotta have me some avocado.

Southern Grace Gourmet said...

Looks very good and simple, and I can memorize it! LOL

Anonymous said...

this looks great. i would like to try it some time. will save it in my favs.

Diana H said...

I like your dip, but never thought of pairing it with fries. I love the fries though, so it sounds like a great pairing.

penny aka jeroxie said...

Lovely! May make this to go with chicken chop tonight. :)

Heather S-G said...

I bet this was awesome on those killer fries! Man, I am tooooo hungry to be reading this right now!

Jenn said...

Southern Grace: lol.

Schmoopiesgirl: ;-D

Diana: Yeah, I like pairing fried with different sauces and dips.

Penny: Cool.

Girlichef: hehe...I do the same thing, too.

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

I am serious about this goofy question... where can I find the horsey bowls??? I have a niece with an obsession

Anonymous said...

Delicious avocado dip, really nice with the fries (love the rosemary flavor!).

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction said...

Mmm... you know how much I love avocado! Looks so tasty. I might have to pick up an avocado tomorrow when I run to the store so I can make some dip!

Andrea@WellnessNotes said...

Sounds great! I love the color! I'll definitely make this...

Parita said...

Love baked rosemary fries...avacado dip looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Avocados, fries--- a great combination.

Jenn said...

Year on the grill: I actually got these an one of those Asian markets. Pretty cheap, too.

5 Star: Thanks.

Jen: Avocado goodness. hehe...

Andrea, Parita: ;-D

Hummingbird: Thanks.

Reeni said...

This looks so incredibly good with those fries!! I love it!!

Jenn said...

Reeni: Thanks.

Shu Han said...

this looks really good! I love the natural creaminess of avocado in dips(: said...

This can't have effect in actual fact, that is exactly what I consider.

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